

WHO / Sergey Volkov
© Credits


Dr Guilherme Antônio da Costa Júnior

Federal Agricultural Auditor at the Secretariat of Trade and International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, BRAZIL


Dr Costa is currently the Federal Agricultural Auditor at the Secretariat of Trade and International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in Brazil. His experience includes 39 years in the area of food safety and the leadership of the departments at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil. During his work for the government, Dr Costa represented Brazil in different multilateral fora. He has consulted FAO and WHO for over 15 years, contributing to the implementation of food safety and microbiological control systems in many countries of the Americas and Africa. Dr. Costa brings his rich experience in the areas of microbiology, food safety and trade to strengthening multi-sectoral work on antimicrobial resistance. Dr Costa is a veterinarian graduated from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.



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