Women municipal workers in NYC hold most low-paying jobs, report says

Female municipal workers hold a majority of the lowest paying jobs, leading to a yawning gender pay gap among city workers, Public Advocate Letitia James said in a report released Thursday.

The gap exists even in cases where woman make the same or greater salaries than their male colleagues because such a large percentage of women hold the lowest-paying jobs.

James’ staff analyzed city payroll data from 2014 to 2017 for the study. They noted that more women work in child care and education agencies, while men still dominate uniformed services.

More effort needs to go into making women reach higher levels in the workforce, the report said.

Researchers found 15 city agencies that paid female workers more on average than men, compared with 56 agencies that paid men more, the report said.

Agencies that pay women more on average include the Brooklyn Borough President’s Office, the Commission on Human Rights, the Department of Homeless Services, the Department of Correction, and the Civilian Complaint Review Board.

“We have made great strides to break the political glass ceiling, but the economic glass ceiling continues to restrain us,” James said in a statement. “It is clear that our city must do more to support women and provide equal opportunities in the workplace.”

The study makes several recommendations including better access to training and mentoring at city agencies and the creation of annual reports on employee demographics, hiring and salaries.

City Hall, in a response to the report, pointed out the New York City government workforce is currently 59 percent female and 49 percent male.

“This Administration is committed to reducing gender-based inequity across New York City,” said mayoral spokeswoman Olivia Lapeyrolerie. “While this fight is far from over, we’re working every day to build a workplace environment where women are supported and empowered.”