Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Our Current Issue

In the Americas, Biden’s “Soft Power Matters”

A continuation of Biden's policies would promote democracy while addressing hotspots like Haiti and Venezuela, two former national security officials write.

Trump’s Vision: “Make the Americas Grow Again”

A second Trump term would focus on reviving hemispheric economic growth through nearshoring and other policies, writes a former adviser.

Susan Segal: The Next U.S. President Should Pay More Attention to Latin America

Regardless of the election’s victor, the U.S. should seize the ample economic opportunities of closer ties with the rest of the hemisphere, writes AS/COA’s CEO.

Latin Americans Weigh In On the Next U.S. President’s Agenda

AQ asked politicians and former high-ranking officials what the next U.S. administration should focus on in the region.

Latin America’s Renewed Fiscal Challenges
4 minute read

Many countries are running excessive budget deficits amid slow revenue growth and higher borrowing costs.

AQ Podcast | Gustavo Petro: The Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality
< 1 minute read

At the halfway point of his presidency, Petro is still trying to deliver on his vision for a more equal and secure Colombia, while also dealing with a difficult economic climate. What can we expect from his next two years in office?

AMLO’s Judicial Reform Overlooks the Key Weakness of Mexican Justice

4 minute read

Prosecutors’ willingness and capacity to investigate crimes is the nation’s judicial system’s weakest link, writes an expert.

One Year Later

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks at the RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco in May.
U.S. Cybersecurity Diplomacy Is Helping Counter China
3 minute read

A year after AQ’s special report on cybersecurity in Latin America, U.S. aid and collaboration are making some headway.


Private dressmakers working in Old Havana, Cuba in May.
The Truth About Cuba’s Private Sector
4 minute read

Contrary to some speculation, the island continues to see a large number of entrepreneurs operating outside the umbrella of the state, the authors write.


AQ Podcast | The Bukele Model: Why It’s Hard to Replicate 
< 1 minute read

In a region plagued by crime, some politicians are eager to replicate El Salvador’s gang crackdown. Can the model spread?


Venezuelan presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado at a campaign rally in Caracas on July 4. A unified opposition has a real chance to restore democracy on July 28. The U.S. should do everything possible to support the transition.
In Venezuela, Is This Time Different?
4 minute read

A unified opposition has a real chance to restore democracy on July 28. The U.S. should do everything possible to support the transition.

Latin America

Latin America’s Security Crisis Is a Political Problem, Too
4 minute read

Crime and politics are becoming more entangled, undermining the region’s stability, an expert writes.

Artificial Intelligence

Why AI May Be Better for Latin America Than You Think
5 minute read

A new IMF report adds to a sense Latin America may lose less from the AI revolution than previously thought—though its preparedness is lacking.

Latin America

In Latin America, the U.S. Is Relying Too Much on its Military
4 minute read

SouthCom has become the most visible bridge for political engagement in the region. That’s a mistake, the authors write.


Despite a Grim Today, Prosperity Is Still Possible in Haiti
4 minute read

After years of dire events, a new transition offers a window to lay plans for societal success.


Understanding the Storm in Brazilian Markets
4 minute read

Worries over Brazil’s fiscal deficit and monetary policy have battered the country’s currency in 2024.


President José Raúl Mulino (L) waves next to National Assembly President Dana Castañeda at his inauguration in Panama City on July 1.
Panama’s New President Signals an Ambitious Agenda
5 minute read

José Raúl Mulino promises to close the Darién Gap to migration while pushing a major dam to shore up the Panama Canal.


Soldiers help villagers at an emergency shelter on June 11 after violent conflict in southern Mexico.
For Sheinbaum, a Security Challenge in AMLO’s Home State
5 minute read

Southern states like Tabasco are enduring increased criminal activity. How will Mexico’s next government tackle the pervasive presence of drug cartels?


Former army commander Juan José Zúñiga is detained in La Paz on June 26.
REACTION: Bolivia’s Failed Coup Attempt and What It Means
5 minute read

The army’s commander, Juan José Zúñiga, tried to seize power before backing down.


AQ Podcast | Brazil: A Tough Moment for Lula 3
< 1 minute read

Brazil’s Lula is dealing with a selloff in financial markets and an increasingly hostile Congress. How has Brazilian politics changed since his first term in office two decades ago?

Latin America

Progress on Reducing Latin America’s Femicides Has Stalled. Women in Mexico protest against gender-based violence during International Women's Day on March 8.
Progress on Reducing Latin America’s Femicides Has Stalled
4 minute read

Much can be done to prevent more murders, but only if decision-makers and society as whole are more proactive in tackling this pressing problem.


Chilean President Gabriel Boric delivers a state of the nation address on June 1. Untangling Chile’s Pension Reform: The government wants to overhaul the pension system, but a gradual modernization would be a more effective path.
Untangling Chile’s Pension Reform
4 minute read

The government wants to overhaul the pension system, but a gradual modernization would be a more effective path.

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