'Putin wins the Guinness World Record for hypocrisy'

Those words are not mine; they were spoken on Thursday in a Security Council debate by Albania's permanent representative to the United Nations, Ferit Hoxha.  (Video here.)

Who would have thought tiny Albania would become a voice for the voiceless?  But I suppose there is logic in one of the world's smallest countries, recently a theater of war, sticking up for the victims.

Ferit Hoxha (YouTube screen grab).

The Biden regime crossed its Rubicon this week, with secretary of state Tony Blinken condemning Russia categorically for its "war of aggression" and the president-inept himself calling Putin a "war criminal."

While those are welcome words, they are just that: words.  Putin has shown that words can't break his bones, but he can crush civilians in Ukraine at the drop of a bomb.

Ambassador Hoxha's statement about Putin came in response to the Russians introducing a resolution at the U.N. to "protect civilians" in Ukraine, all the while bombing them in earnest.

I watched much of Thursday's Security Council debate on Sky News Arabia, where I was one of three live commentators.  Two observations leapt out at me while listening to the debate.  First: The U.N. has shown itself once again to be utterly powerless when faced with real aggression.  Unless the U.N. sends in a peace-keeping force, which is not in the cards, its only weapons against a real tyrant are words and at best sanctions.  Until now, it has used only words.

More significant, perhaps: Russia is not the Soviet Union, which could count on a bloc of occupied or client states at the U.N. to support it no matter what.  Putin's Russia is pretty well isolated, not just economically, but also diplomatically.  And Putin has only himself to blame.

The U.S. and Europe have been reluctant to impose sanctions or truly isolate Russia and have only been dragged into it thanks to Putin's insane barbarity.  Until just this week, British prime minister Boris Johnson was alone among Europeans in even insulting Vlad the Bad.

What this means is that Russia's actions cannot be walked back.  Those bodies lying in a mass grave in Mariupol will rise from the dead at some time in the future, and they will speak of the horror of Putin's crimes.  The men and women slaughtered while waiting in a breadline in Chernihiv will lift their fingers weeks or even months from now, and point to Putin and shout out, "J'accuse!"

Putin continues to pretend to engage in negotiations for temporary ceasefires and humanitarian corridors to allow civilians to escape.  But he cannot accept the more generalized ceasefire Ukrainian president Zelensky and many others are seeking because to do so before utterly smashing Kyiv would be to admit defeat.  And that's the one thing Putin cannot do.

This war is far from over.

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