Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2019
We had a very slow draining kitchen sink, and we knew the clog was over 50 feet away (found out from previous plumber a little over 2 years ago). We've tried everything in the past (from pouring all sort of products in, to using a 25 feet snake with drill, myself) but nothing worked. On Wed, Oct 16, 2019, we called two plumber’s company and scheduled an appointment with them at the earliest availability (between me and them) to fix this problem. The earliest time was the following Wed, with the same plumber company that came fixed it the last time. Right after calling the plumber, on that same Wed, my wife saw this product here on Amazon, and figured we'll give it a try. We ordered two bottles right away (and good thing I ordered two, as you’ll find out why once you read on) and it came in the very next day (Thursday).

That Thu night, I poured one entire bottle (both chambers – I purposely didn’t follow the “sink instructions” of poring one chamber, because I believed it might not have been strong enough, since I knew the clog to be over 50 feet away) of this "DISSOLVE Liquid Hair & Grease Clog Remover", aka. “Green Gobbler”, and let it sat overnight. I than pour two pots (about one and a half gallons) of boiled hot water (really hot… thought about adding salt to make it even hotter, but I did not as I wasn’t sure how salt would interact with this Green Gobbler) into the sink the following morning, and saw the water reaching the top of the sink, and was really discouraged. I thought Green Gobbler did not work at all. On Friday night, we wanted to write a message asking what we should do next, but because it was past 6PM, we knew the company had already been closed, and for the entire weekend as well. So that night, before heading to bed, I poured the entire second bottle (again, both chambers) into the drain, and let it sat overnight again. Saturday morning, I asked my wife to start boiling two pots of waters again, so I can pour it down the drain. But when I saw that the drain was totally clogged (none of the water had moved that night), I decided not to pour the boiled water in as I knew there was no way the hot water would reach that clog, and would only made matters worse. We were about to write to the company asking for a refund that night, but I didn’t get the chance to write it. We weren’t able to use the kitchen sink that entire day, but on Sunday morning the water suddenly started to drain away, and fairly fast too. It was still slow draining, but flowed much better than when we started.

That Sunday evening, I wrote a message to the company (EcoClean Solutions) asking them for their expertise on what we should do next. After explaining the entire situation to them, I asked if we should buy two more bottle and cancel our plumber’s appointment, to give the sink a couple more treatments to see if it improves; or if we should just wait for the plumber to come this Wednesday to fix the problem. They replied to my message the very following day (Monday).

I really expected them to be prideful, and very proud of their own product. I thought for sure that they would tell us to go ahead and buy two more bottles; but to my surprise, they were really humble and apologetic about it. They thanked me for trying their product, and was really appreciative with the details I provided them in my message. They then told me that their product, due to it being an eco-friendly drain cleaner, seems to work on about 85% of clogs, and suggested that I should keep my plumber’s appointment. Lastly, without me even asking for it, they went ahead and refunded us the order in full. They also gave me their number in case I need to reach out to them for any other questions.

In their message, they also included the following, which I’ll copy and paste.
“We're a small family owned business trying to make it in a corporate world and your comments mean the world to us, but they can also be quite damaging. Although the product may not have worked its best for you in this instance, I hope that our service and hassle free refund policies can hold some weight and in the end make a happy customer who may be willing to give us and our products another try for your next clog.”

So without much thinking, I went ahead and bought 3 more bottles on Oct 22, and knowing that it wouldn’t arrive until Oct 24, I went and canceled the plumber’s appointment on the 25th. I knew that if this doesn’t work, I would not ask them for any refund again, but thought it was worth the risk. By the time it arrived, the kitchen sink’s drainage had improved even more. Due to that improvement, I went ahead and poured 1 chamber into the sink but forgot to pour any hot water in the following morning. Regardless, our sink seems to be clog free up to this day (Nov 1, 2019).

Other Thoughts:
I was just reading all of the negative reviews, and it seems they all had one thing in common, time, or lack of it. I don’t have the instructions with me right now, but I believe it stated that it is best to leave it in overnight before flushing with hot water.

I might have gotten lucky, as I had this stuff in the drain for over 36 hours, before it started to break through those fats, oils, and grease (FOG) build-up near the end of the pipes (before reaching the main line outside our house) over 50 feet away. The only reason it was in there for that time period was because I had no other chose, since no plumbers were available, and I knew the hot water would not reach.

Just to let you know, we’ve never deliberately poured oil, or threw anything greasy (like meat, fat, etc.) into the garbage disposal/drains before. We actually don’t use the garbage disposal much at all, and have a strainer right above the drains, which we empty often (1 to 3 times a day depending on usage). As the plumber pointed out, FOG build-up will happen over time, since we do our dishes just about every night. It took about 8 years for the FOG to build up the first time around (the house was bought new, and I saw them build it), than another 2 years to build up the second time. Two years ago, it took the plumber over an hour to snake it out, and even the plumber was surprised as to how deep the clog was located and it cost us a little over $300.00 plus tips back then in my area. I don’t know how much it would have cost now, but just the thought of spending another $300+ got me worried. But this Green Gobbler did the job, and I am a really happy customer.
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