Nicolle May

About the author

Nicolle is an ADHD Fantasy “Traumance” author. When she isn’t living in a fantasy world or writing, she’s ruthlessly annoying those she loves with her outbursts of song, TV show quotes, and the occasional blonde moment. If you cannot find her snuggled up with her cats watching any fantasy movie or show known to man, you can find her at the gym becoming her own hero, sewing, reading, or vividly hallucinating new scene ideas for her books. She lives in Alberta, Canada, but was born and raised in Pennsylvania. And if you put anything peach, potato, or peanut butter with chocolate related in front of her ... prepare to be best friends. “If Henry Cavill & Ian Somerhalder ever star in a movie together, I will spontaneously combust.” Stay in touch, sign up for teasers, & updates by joining Nicolle's mailing list: bio. site/NicolleMay For exclusive content and more, join Nicolle's reader group and socials: bio. site/NicolleMay

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