Medical Students

MSS members and news highlights

Anand Singh
Anand Singh

July 2024

From MSS Chair Anand Singh

Howdy y’all! My name is Anand Singh and I am a rising fourth-year medical student at the Anne Burnett Marion School of Medicine at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. It is an honor to serve as your 2024-2025 MSS chair.

I would like to first thank our outgoing 2023-2024 MSS Governing Council and all the MSS leaders who spent the past year dedicating countless hours to advance our section goals.

Your 2024-2025 MSS Governing Council has hit the ground running and we are excited to continue the work of our previous leaders! We are currently finalizing our strategic plan for the year and meeting with various MSS leaders to help transition and onboard for the year. I look forward to working with you all this year and please do not hesitate to reach out at any time.

Please contact your MSS region leaders to learn more about the fall orientation meetings.

2024 MSS Annual Meeting

Please visit the MSS Annual Meeting highlights page for a rundown of highlights from the meeting, including resolutions, MSS programs and election results. 

Section Involvement Grant Event of the Year

The University of Pikeville–Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine AMA chapter won the Section Involvement Grant Event of the Year award for its efforts to raise funds for a Saturday community service clinic in rural Kentucky. The event, "AMA Gala: An Evening for Advocacy," centered around increasing visibility in health care for Appalachia, and featured multiple speakers who discussed advancing interdisciplinary health care in the region.

Congratulations to our award winners from MSS assembly meeting!

MSS Guiding Star Award

  • Juliana Silverman
  • Elizabeth Suschana
  • Alex Soltany

Policy Change Catalyst Award

  • Sham Manoranjithan
  • Juliana Bacigalupi
  • Jared Buteau

Exemplary Chapter Commitment Award

  • Region 1―Western University College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest
  • Region 2―Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Region 3―University of Oklahoma-Tulsa School of Community Medicine
  • Region 4―University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
  • Region 5―University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences
  • Region 6―Eastern Virginia Medical School
  • Region 7―University of Connecticut School of Medicine

Standing Committee Star Award

  • Catriona Hong
  • Sneha Krish
  • Rusty Hawes

Trailblazer in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award

  • Hailey Baker
  • Rhoda Hijazi
  • Shreya Dash

Visionary Advocacy Award

  • Shaylyn Fahey
  • Jara Alvarez-Del Pino
  • Nicholas Wilson

Region Leadership Excellence Award

  • Region 1―Holley Carlson-Riddle
  • Region 2―Sarah Costello
  • Region 3―Lauren St. Peter
  • Region 4―Alex Tolbert
  • Region 5―Julianna Sim
  • Region 6―Anudeeta Gautum
  • Region 7―Anjlee Panjwani
MSS Think Tank 2024
Brianna Watson, first place, Health Care Think Tank

Health Care Think Tank competition

  • First place―Brianna Watson
  • Runner up―Alyssa Lee
  • People's choice―Andy Bell

Interested in getting more involved? Join the MSS Updates GroupMe to keep up with opportunities and email us with questions at [email protected].