Allie Rigby has roots in the chaparral and deserts of California. She is the author of Moonscape for a Child (Bored Wolves, 2024).


Allie Rigby has roots in the chaparral and deserts of California. She is the author of Moonscape for a Child (Bored Wolves, 2024), and the recipient of a Fulbright fellowship to Romania. Her poetry appears in Living on Earth Radio, Equatorial Literary Magazine, Parentheses Journal, Manzano Mountain Review, and more.

She has a master’s degree in English: Creative Writing from San Francisco State University, and has taught creative writing for Ovidius University, Point Reyes Institute, The Loft Literary Center, and the US–Romanian Embassy. She’s the reviews editor for The SEEfest Review and a poetry editor for Elyssar Press. Additional honors include a William Dickey fellowship, contribution to Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, participation in the 54th Poetry Program with Community of Writers, a Pushcart Prize nomination, and a Best of the Net nomination.