Student jazz program affiliated with Excelsior Band holding open house

Aspiring student musicians in Mobile have the chance to attend an open house at The Jazz Studio, a program affiliated with the nationally honored Excelsior Band.

The Jazz Studio is a program of The Excelsior Band Preservation, a nonprofit created to “create an archival home for,” and to preserve the legacy of, Mobile’s Excelsior Band. In 2022 the National Endowment for the Arts honored the group with the National Heritage Fellowship, its highest honor in folk and traditional arts.

The Jazz Studio is a year-round music instruction program with an emphasis on jazz and improvisation. Its music director is Excelsior Band bandleader Hosea London. According to information provided by organizers, students must be in grades 6-12 and must have at least one year of music instruction. The program is funded by “the Alabama State Council on the Arts, Support the Arts license tags, and a nominal registration fee.”

An open house will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 10, in the Murphy Fine Arts Building at Spring Hill College. Attendees “will have an opportunity to meet with other parents and students currently in The Jazz Studio.”

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