Dear Abby: I am an unhappily married woman with young children

Frowning woman

A reader is looking for advice about being in an unhappy marriage.canva stock image

DEAR ABBY: I am an unhappily married woman with young children. I am attracted to a friend of mine and my husband’s, but he is also married. He’s a bit older, and I can’t tell for sure if he has feelings for me, but sometimes I suspect it. He has made me jewelry and gifts, and I’ve caught him looking at me a few times.

We have exchanged messages on social media and he often asks me questions about myself -- what I like, etc. He’s just so quiet that I can’t tell if it all means anything. I could never leave my husband and break up my family, and I could never break up someone else’s family. But I’m starting to wonder and sometimes think I really am falling in love with him. What should I do? -- CRUSHING IN THE MIDWEST

DEAR CRUSHING: Face it: You’re TAKEN. Because you could “never leave” your husband or break up someone else’s marriage, figure out what’s gone wrong in your relationship with your husband and resolve to fix it. Some sessions with a licensed marriage and family therapist would be the place to start. Do it NOW.

Abigail  Van Buren

Stories by Abigail Van Buren

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Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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