The Future of Measurement: Use AI to Elevate Marketing ROI

Tue, Jun 11, 2024 12:00 PM ET

Improving marketing ROI is a top priority of four in 10 marketers, according to research from Kantar. What is the key to ensuring they are delivering growth in today’s evolving landscape? Taking a data-led approach to measurement that integrates advanced analytics, media and brand expertise. Emerging technologies—especially AI—will have an outsized impact on making all of this possible.

Get insights into what marketers are doing to boost their ROI and deliver growth from Igor Skokan, marketing science director at Meta, and Henrik Busch, CEO of Kantar Global Analytics. You’ll find out:

  • How to best equip your brand for efficient marketing ROI measurement and prioritization of marketing activities
  • The optimal data-driven techniques to predict the performance and impact of media activities
  • Strategies to transform MMM results into actionable recommendations for optimizing marketing spending and maximizing ROI

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Photo of the speaker, Igor Skokan, in the webinar

Igor Skokan

Marketing Science Director, Meta

Photo of the speaker, Henrik Busch, in the webinar

Henrik Busch

CEO, Kantar Global Analytics


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