Just 2 Brands Have Sustained Global Growth for a Decade

According to Kantar, these companies have been able to grow their customer reach for 10 years straight

With C-suite leaders from iconic brands keynoting sessions, leading workshops and attending networking events, Brandweek is the place to be for marketing innovation and problem-solving. Register to attend September 23–26 in Phoenix, Arizona.

As any marketer will know, building consistent long-term brand success is an incredibly difficult thing to achieve—especially in periods of economic upheaval.

Having endured a pandemic and now a war in eastern Europe, the last two years have been erratic for global brands to traverse. By comparison, the previous eight years marked a much calmer socio-political and economic climate for brands.

In June, Kantar put the past 10 years under the microscope for its annual “Brand Footprint” rankings, which reveal how consumers around the world are buying fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG).

The analysis uncovered that increasing penetration was key to growth.

However, just two of the top 50 performing brands have been able to achieve sustainable growth for each year of the last decade: beauty and cosmetics brand Dove and cleaning manufacturer Vim.



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