Product Page Essentials for Stronger Sales


Olivia Hull

Aug 02 2022

It seems like everyone is shopping online. Considering that global retail ecommerce sales topped $4.9 trillion in 2021, it would be hard to argue otherwise. But for all the money spent and comparison shopping we do, only 1.53% of online shopping experiences result in conversions.

How can you make sure your ecommerce business has more satisfied customers than abandoned carts? Start by creating product pages that address every aspect of the purchase process.

The Makings of a Great Product Page

Use the buyer personas from your digital campaigns for guidance. What does our ideal buyer expect? What questions will they ask? Which product features matter most? Will a tutorial or demo video put them at ease?

Consider those questions as you develop these essential page components.

Original, on-brand product description

Digital ad copy is limited by character count, but product descriptions on your site can take up a little more space. Use your brand’s personality and voice to set the scene for the on-page experience. Keep it concise and use keywords from your digital campaigns when crafting product titles and descriptions.

Price, shipping, and return details

Online shoppers are prepared to comparison shop, so give them all the pertinent information up front. Clearly display the price and any discounts or special offers. Shipping information and return policies should also be easily accessible above the fold.

Eye-catching photos

One of the biggest drawbacks to online shopping? The inability to see, hold, or try on the product in real life. Use well-lit and uncluttered images to showcase products from key angles. The page should include information on product size and material, but try to give shoppers an even clearer picture with a photo gallery.

Customer ratings and reviews

On-page ratings and reviews serve multiple purposes:

  • they explain what people love about your product
  • they provide social proof
  • they help you better understand your customer
  • they allow potential customers to research and answer their own questions

Essentially, this type of customer feedback works hand-in-hand with product images to help potential customers feel good about adding your product to their shopping cart.

A direct call-to-action

Speaking of adding items to carts: the CTA button should be easy to see and understand. Simple directives like “Add to cart” and “buy now” are perfectly acceptable.

The Difference a Good Product Page Can Make

Marketing campaign dollars are wasted if too many chances to gather leads or convert customers just don’t happen. Here are a few ways a useful and strategically designed product page can make the ad spend worthwhile.

Give your company a distinct personality. Everything from the copy to product images to page layout says something about your brand. The product page is the ideal space to highlight what you and your customer have in common and show how your product or service can benefit them.

Create future marketing opportunities with first-party data. If the first goal of a product page is to make a sale, then the second goal is to make sure the customer comes back to your site for future purchases. Encourage shoppers to sign up for email alerts for new product releases or inventory restocks. It’s a service to them and a marketing opportunity for you.

Imagery benefits everyone. Photos and videos up your credibility in the eyes of the Google algorithm. Videos in particular increase engagement metrics (after all, you have to click to view), increase total time on page and help people visualize how the product works or fits. Plus, videos created for product pages can be used in ads or social creative for consistent messaging.

Shorten the sales funnel. Ratings and reviews are great, but what if you have an expensive product? Carefully consider the number of touchpoints it’ll take before adding to the cart. Related articles, size charts, user guides, and product feature comparisons give online shoppers more confidence when purchasing.

Inspiration for Your Perfect Page

There are a lot of ways you could design a product page. Ideally, the page shouldn’t look cluttered, but it should offer plenty of clear, strategic opportunities for the customer (and your business) to get exactly what they’re looking for.


Retail sites like Pandora can create a sense of urgency by making shoppers aware of something people don’t expect with online shopping: other shoppers. Messages like “only this many left” and “these people have added this item to their cart” have a better chance of encouraging people to purchase than saying nothing at all.


Some of the best ecommerce product pages offer multiple payment methods, including the option to pay per month. Leesa clearly displays the mattress’s original and reduced prices as well as financing options.

Customers who scroll to the bottom of the page see other products Leesa suggests to “complete your dream bedroom.” This cross-sell strategy creates a more complete picture for the customer and can potentially increase AOV.

While every page of your online shop should be designed with the customer in mind, product pages play the biggest role in securing sales. This goes beyond the obvious fact that customers add items to their cart from this page. The product page is where people use descriptions, cues, and offers to decide if your advertised product is legitimately worth their time and money.

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