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GIF of two sandwich lovers cheers-ing their chicken parm sandwiches.


GIF of a happy dog smiling at itself in a mirror.


Ads People Share.

GIPHY Ads - Ads People Share
GIF of a purple teddy bear dancing and saying yeah!


GIF of a shirtless, heartbroken man crying on the beach.


GIF of a girl making a heart with her arms over her head, saying "love you".


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Grid Background 01.008.jpeg
GIF of two sandwich lovers cheers-ing their chicken parm sandwiches.


Ads People Share.

GIPHY Ads - Ads People Share
GIF of a purple teddy bear dancing and saying yeah!


GIF of a shirtless, heartbroken man crying on the beach.


GIF of a girl making a heart with her arms over her head, saying "love you".


GIPHY is the World's largest GIF platform.

GIPHY Ads put your brand directly into the millions of conversations our GIFs power every single day.

How Advertising Works On GIPHY


Turn your brand creative into a visual language.

An animated emoji showing a chef's kiss.


Reach audiences in relevant moments and conversations. 

A spinning animation of the GIPHY logo.


Distribute your message in the world's most popular apps. 

An animated emoji showing party confetti.

As the world’s largest GIF platform, GIPHY fuels conversations on today’s most popular Apps.

GIPHY’s extensive user network generates 1B+ GIF searches every single day.


Paid placements have 21x higher visibility than organic content.

Source: 1P GIPHY Data 2023

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Reach Your Audience With GIPHY Ads

Nearly two-thirds of consumers use GIFs in everyday communications. GIPHY Ads enables your brand to seamlessly join the conversation.

81% of consumers share GIFs to keep conversations fun while 68% share GIFs for personalization and creativity. 

Ads People Love To Share

Nearly one-third of consumers search for specific moments and tentpoles. GIPHY’s content library is updated in real-time to capture the latest conversations.

In The Zeitgeist

GIPHY’s official content library is vetted through rigorous safety standards for brand safe environments.

Data Source: ‘24 DISQO GIPHY Brand Study

Positivity at Scale
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Data Source: ‘24 DISQO GIPHY Brand Study

Ads people love to share.

81% of consumers share GIFs to keep conversations fun while 68% share GIFs for personalization and creativity. 

In the zeitgeist.

Nearly one-third of consumers search for specific moments and tentpoles. GIPHY’s content library is updated in real-time to capture the latest conversations.

Positivity at scale.

GIPHY’s official content library is vetted through rigorous safety standards for brand safe environments.


Nearly two-thirds of consumers use GIFs in everyday communications. GIPHY Ads enables your brand to seamlessly join the conversation.

Reach your audience
with GIPHY Ads.

Grid Background 01.008.jpeg
An animated emoji showing a chef's kiss.


All videos can become GIFs. Partner with GIPHY Studios for optimized and custom GIFs with quick turnarounds.

A spinning animation of the GIPHY logo.

Scale your reach with high-impact placements and guaranteed visibility. 


An animated emoji showing party confetti.


See reach, impressions and engagement rates. Test and learn with GIPHY to improve and iterate.

Drive Results with GIPHY Ads.

GIPHY ad placements have 21x higher visibility than organic placements.

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999 Terry Francois Street,
San Francisco, CA 94158

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Ads People Share.

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A GIF showing a woman on a big blue chair getting a phone call that makes her say whoa..


Grid Background 01.008.jpeg
GIF of two sandwich lovers cheers-ing their chicken parm sandwiches.


GIF of a happy dog smiling at itself in a mirror.


Ads People Share.

GIF of a purple teddy bear dancing and saying yeah!


GIF of a shirtless, heartbroken man crying on the beach.


GIF of a girl making a heart with her arms over her head, saying "love you".


Grid Background 01.008.jpeg


A GIF showing a woman on a big blue chair getting a phone call that makes her say whoa..


Let's Chat!

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