Trust in Science and Scientists Grant

Grant at a Glance

Recipient Industry, Chemistry Professional, Volunteer
Category Public Service & Outreach,  Events & Activities
Amount$1,500 - $4,500
DeadlineJuly 15, 2024


Encourages ACS groups to conceive of and implement programming and efforts that showcase trust in science and scientists.


During her Presidential year in 2023, Judith C. Giordan initiated a Trust in Science and Scientists initiative with workshops that are being expanded in 2024 to include grants for programming and efforts to showcase this important topic and meaningfully move the needle on Trust in Science and Scientists. Grant applications will be reviewed by a roundtable consisting of the Division of Professional Relations (PROF), the Committee on Public Relations and Communications (CPRC) and the Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs (CCPA).

A Pew Study on international trust in science and scientists published in September 2020 found a lack of trust in science and scientists. And data from Pew in 2023 show trust in science is down even more since 2021, especially since the before the start of the COVID-19 outbreak. From Pew: “The share expressing the strongest level of trust in scientists – saying they have a great deal of confidence in them – has fallen from 39% in 2020 to 23% today."


  • Local Sections
  • Technical Divisions
  • ACS International Chapters
  • ACS Student Chapters
  • ACS International Student Chapters

Application Guidelines

Applications must include a completed Trust in Science and Scientists Grant application form, which includes:

  • A short description of the project and its desired impact.
  • A brief description of goals and measurable outcomes of the project that can be used to determine project success.
  • Highlight the innovative aspects of the proposed project. 
  • Details about how this project relates to previous approaches, if applicable.
  • A list of the planned activities that are necessary for project completion.
  • Itemized project needs and costs.
  • An estimate of the number of people to be reached from the target audience.

Evaluation Criteria

Each project proposal will be scored out of 19 points by independent reviewers in five categories:

  1. Community Outreach (5 points): Does the project have a meaningful public outreach component? Priority will be given to projects that reach a new group of nonmembers.
  2. Impact (5 points): The estimation or goal for the project in terms of number of people affected, processes improved, goal(s) met, tools developed, etc.
  3. Leveraging Volunteers (3 points): The extent of effort and number of volunteers dedicated to the project.
  4. Marketing Plan (3 points): Does the project have a plan for getting the word out?
  5. Inclusiveness (3 points): How does the project addresses inclusivity and how will it support ACS Goals?

Grant Proposal Submission Timeline

Grants will be awarded in the range of $1,500 to $4,500.

  • Application deadline: July 15, 2024
  • Outcome sent to project leader: Aug. 15, 2024
  • Grants awarded: $1,500 to $4,500 by Sep. 1, 2024
  • Project reports: Due 30 days after completion; groups that don't provide a report will not receive future funding until they submit the report.

Related Opportunities

  • Corporation Associates Seed Grant Supporting chemical sciences education, public education, and enhanced professionalism in chemistry.

  • Local Section Innovative Project Grant Encouraging ACS local sections to conceive and implement innovative projects as well as maintain growth.

  • Local Section Member Engagement and EnhancemenT (LS-MEET) The Local Section Member Engagement and EnhancemenT (LS-MEET) grant program is designed to specifically strengthen and build community in Local Sections of the American Chemical Society.

  • Science Café Mini-Grant Providing a relaxed, open venue for nonscientists and scientists to discuss current topics. By hosting a Science Café, you can help promote scientific literacy within your local community and invigorate your local section about questions of the day with a scientific underpinning.