Office of Refugee Resettlement National Call Center

HELP LINE 1 (800) 203-7001 |

Current as of:

ORR National Call Center FlyerEnglish - 390KB (PDF) | Albanian - 441KB (DOCX) | Arabic - 294KB (PDF) | Armenian - 442KB (DOCX) | Dari - 336KB (PDF) | Español - 361KB (PDF) |  French - 318KB (PDF)  | Haitian Creole - 251KB (PDF) | Hindi - 482KB (PDF) | Mandarin - 370KB (PDF) |  Pashto - 346KB (PDF) | Pulaar - 443KB (PDF) | Punjabi - 363KB (PDF) | Q'eqchi - 275KB (PDF) | Russian - 434KB (PDF) | Somali - 443KB (DOCX) | Swahili - 269KB (PDF) | Turkish - 344KB (PDF) | Ukrainian - 278KB (PDF) | Vietnamese - 438KB (DOCX)

FOR CHILDREN: If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1

If you experience any of the following, we are here to help:

  • Nowhere to sleep
  • Someone is forcing you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • Someone is keeping you away from food, shelter, school, or medicine
  • Trouble feeling safe and happy
  • You are angry or hurting
  • Feeling very sad or unwanted
  • Family problems
  • Kids being mean to you at school
  • Difficulty finding help
  • Difficulty with court
  • Trouble finding your paperwork


Looking for a child coming to the United States? 

  • We will ensure your message gets to the shelter caring for your child

Is your child already home? We can help with

  • Finding resources in your community for education, medical care, emotional support, juvenile justice, substance use, legal support and safety
  • Assistance with child behavioral issues after reunification, including:
    - Kids running away
    - Kids feeling very sad or angry
    - Involvement with drugs or gangs
    - Inappropriate relationships
    - Kids hurting other kids
    - Kids getting into trouble at school
    - Any behavior that worries you
  • Support for you to help strengthen your relationship with your child
  • Assistance making sure your child has access to schools and education
  • Support with family problems or domestic violence
  • Help getting copies of child/immunization records and completing paperwork
  • Assistance finding legal support and understanding court processes
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