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Torres Strait Islander

As a young nurse, Dulcie was not afraid to speak up. At 85, she's been given the NAIDOC lifetime achievement award

A complaint about a policeman ended Dulcie Flower's stint in a hospital emergency department. But it started a long career focused on improving the health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
A woman standing on a beach looks out across the water

What does reconciliation look like in a no-vote world? Young Indigenous people share their hopes for the future

As Australia marks its first Reconciliation Week since voting no to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, young First Nations people and advocates for change say they are still hopeful the country can heal, but that truth-telling will be key.
A graphic of a yellow sun on a pink background, behind the photos of two young girls and a boy, and vote box.

'It is a beautiful thing being Torres Strait Islander': Why Aaliyah-Jade is forever thankful for her identity

Larrakia-Erub filmmaker Aaliyah-Jade grew up in Sydney, but her connection to her Torres Strait Islander culture remains her 'life force'.
Aaliyah-Jade Bradbury, Growing up Torres Strait Islander in Australia 

Climate change is changing their island home, but whose fault is it? A judge will decide

In the fight for the survival of Torres Strait’s islands climate change looms large, but has the Australian government failed to protect them? A judge will make a ruling after a landmark Federal Court case wrapped up this week.
three women looking at the camera

Searchers suspect missing teen attacked by crocodile after body found on Torres Strait beach

Queensland police believe a teenager who went missing on Thursday was killed by a crocodile after a boat broke down off Saibai Island in the far northern reaches of the Torres Strait.
A saltwater crocodile lurking in the shallows of a clear body of water.

Tiwi Island traditional owners lobby against Darwin LNG project

The owners are in Sydney to campaign for the pulling of funding for an expansion of a Santos project, which has been subject to court action.
ABC News Current
Duration: 5 minutes 40 seconds

'We have to find a way to go forward': Torres Strait Islanders look to the future

More than 70 per cent of people on Thursday Island/Waiben voted in favour of a Voice to Parliament. Defeat hasn't cooled their desire for more control over their region's affairs.
A woman wearing a red dress sits in front of a large screenprinted traditional Torres Strait Islander artwork

analysis:There's a foul, rising tide of racism in the Voice debate ahead of the referendum

Bunburying is the art of concocting a noble-sounding alibi to provide cover for an undisclosed and less-noble objective. Why is this relevant today? Because senior First Nations academic Marcia Langton has been at the centre of a comprehensive Bunburying. Here's what transpired, writes Annabel Crabb.
Marcia Langton at a press conference in Parliament House

Uninformed, bored and apathetic: Voters are turning against the Voice in the polls

The latest poll result for the Voice referendum shows more bad news for Yes with rapidly declining support across all demographics. For Yes to win from here it needs to turn things around fast and undecided voters are in the spotlight, writes Casey Briggs.
a large aboriginal flag flying above a large group of people at a city march

analysis:The referendum is a Yes/No vote on 92 words. All other disputes should be shut out

As the campaign for the Voice referendum begins, it's worth having a look at why this referendum question has become so hopelessly ensnarled in undergrowth. And perhaps doing a spot of weeding, writes Annabel Crabb.
hands hold colourful leaflets that read Tes 23

'This is their country': Migrants say they need more resources to learn about the Voice to Parliament

Awareness of the Voice is low among newly arrived migrant and refugee communities, a survey by settlement service AMES Australia finds.
Composite image of two women and a man.

As the Voice to Parliament campaign ramps up, Victoria's Aboriginal communities are outlining their positions

So far, only two of Victoria's 11 registered Traditional Owner groups are advocating for a Yes vote in the Voice to Parliament referendum. 
The Aboriginal flag superimposed onto a map of Victoria.

Mayor blasts 'two hour' decision to commit ministerial task force to Torres Strait healthcare review

Queensland's health minister has completed a whistlestop tour of Cape York and the Torres Strait to seek consensus for a service review, but a local leader refuses to make a decision 'on the run'.
Man in Torres Strait shirt in a city.

How a former NRL star scored a dream gig in the Harry Potter stage show

As the final season of JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Cursed Child stage production draws to an end in Melbourne, Michael Bani is searching for his next adventure.
A Torres Strait Island man, shirtless with heavy make-up, has a large mane-like wig attached by two women backstage at a theatre

Junior footy stars cross the sea to compete in league tournament

For the first time a team of junior rugby league players from the outer islands of the Torres Strait has represented the remote islands iin a mainland carnival.
ABC News Current
Duration: 1 minute 36 seconds

South Australia delays Voice to Parliament elections over 'confusion' with national vote

South Australia has delayed the introduction of its state-based Voice to Parliament, just months from the referendum to decide whether to create a national Voice.
A crowd, some standing, some sitting, some waving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags behind a gate

Leaders plead for 'avoidable' weekly deaths to be stopped in Torres Strait hospitals

Three people are dying from avoidable causes in Torres Strait communities each week, leaders say, and they're calling for an independent review into the regional health service.
aerial of remote hospital near water

Half of this remote island has no internet — but it is about to host Telstra's newest call centre

The mayor of Palm Island in North Queensland says the telco's arrival is "great news" for the remote Indigenous community that will create jobs and launch the island into the "corporate world".
A man in silhouette stands near a boat on a beach, looking out to sea at during a pink and gold sunset.

What does it mean to be on Country with Indigenous Elders? Dan Bourchier reflects on a moving assignment

We travelled thousands of kilometres, navigated croc-filled waters and an encounter with a deadly taipan to record the stories of Indigenous Elders on Country for the ABC's One Plus One program.
Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann with Dan Bourchier

These Australians fear becoming climate change refugees if the sea keeps rising

Torres Strait Islander elders continue the fight to protect their islands from disappearing in rising sea levels in week one of the Federal Court's on-country hearing.
A man wearing a blue and yellow polo and a dark cap leaning against a wall looking out to sea

'Leave their bones behind': Elders fear losing gravesites in Torres Strait as climate change court fight continues

Aunty McRose Elu has been watching her ancestral lands slowly disappear beneath her feet for decades. The Saibai elder fears rising sea levels and increasingly severe weather events could mean her homeland is uninhabitable within 30 years.
Aunty McRose Elu standing infront of tropical greenery with a bright shirt on wearing glasses and looking serious

How Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders have shaped culture and country for tens of thousands of years

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders share stories and language, culture and wisdom, that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Left to right: June Oscar, Ian Hamm, Fred Hooper, Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann

Search for missing paddler in Torres Strait scaled down

Water and air searches for Denne Bourke will continue but shoreline searches will end, five days after he was last seen between Thursday and Horn islands.
Man crouching with dog.

Search for popular, young canoeist known as the friendly face of Thursday Island with a 'love of the sea'

Family and friends are praying for a miracle as the search continues for an experienced outrigger canoeist in Far North Queensland after the Thursday Island local disappeared two days ago.
Man crouching with dog.

'We deserve a seat at the table': But is that what the Voice is? Three young, Aboriginal women share their views

Three young, Aboriginal women share their views on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament – but don't expect them to fall neatly into Yes or No camps.
Taylah Gray, Teela Reid and Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts