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Indigenous Culture

Violence in Alice Springs not the result of cultural 'payback', Indigenous leaders say

Amid the violence in Alice Springs that's contributed to two curfews there have been conversations around the role of "payback". But some Indigenous leaders say payback has nothing to do with the recent fighting.
Leanne Liddle, Ned Hargraves and Mary Williams composite image.

Pub the hottest ticket in town after wild weather forces remote festival indoors

A celebration of First Nations music wasn't going to be stopped by 150-kilometres-per-hour winds as punters packed out the Ceduna Hotel to be inspired by big-name artists.
woman smiles in the centre of a crowd in a pub

Ellen van Neerven has won a stack of awards for their poetry. But they're an 'apprentice' in theatre

Ellen van Neerven didn't grow up watching theatre. Now, after a prize-winning career as a poet and author, they premiere their debut play, Swim.    
A non-binary Indigenous person, the actor Dani Sib, in a swimming costume, medal around their neck and hand to chest, in a play

New footage shows 'uncontacted' Mashco Piro tribe in Peruvian Amazon under threat of logging

The largest uncontacted tribe in the world has been filmed just miles from a number of logging concessions, sparking fresh calls from campaigners to protect the land. 
Uncontatced tribe on a beach

Cultural tourism creates truth-telling experience at Port Lincoln

Growing demand for First Nations tourism experiences has led an Eyre Peninsula woman to set up a business she hopes will provide employment for generations to come.
Indigenous Tourism, Rise in Demand: A woman underneath a tree.
Duration: 1 minute 36 seconds

Rise in truth-telling tourism reckons with 'original story of Australia'

Scenes of some of South Australia's most violent encounters between First Nations groups and European settlers have been woven into an experience focused on "sharing both sides of the story".
woman at ocean scene

A remote NSW prison is changing the way it supports First Nations inmates

In this Broken Hill prison, 70 per cent of inmates identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. The new jail manager decided it was time to prioritise their cultural care.
Inmate Male Image

How Indigenous language became a part of everyday life in this country town

Conversations in Carnarvon often blend Indigenous and English languages. Linguists and community members alike say the town should double down on its cross-cultural vocabulary before it is too late.
Composite image of Carnarvon residents Ryan Zare, Thomas Cameron and Marleigh Nugent

'Confronting' film explores how 100k children were forcibly removed from their families

How much do you really know about the Stolen Generations? A group of documentary filmmakers say their confronting new project is another stepping stone to achieving healing for those affected by WA's dark past.
An Indigenous man standing in front of an Aboriginal flag.

'Keeping Place' unveiled to respect Indigenous burial ground discovered at RAAF base

After discovering an Indigenous burial ground and ancient artefacts during base development works north of Adelaide, the RAAF has worked with the local Kaurna people to keep its cultural significance safe.
Seated Air Force personnel participate in a smoking ceremony

'Not good enough': Governments fail on racism against First Nations and culturally diverse people, report finds

Findings in a Human Rights Commission report show governments across all sectors are failing to identify and deal with racism across the country. The country's Race Discrimination Commissioner says there are "systemic failures" in dealing with racism that need to change. 
Signs held by three people who's faces are not shown. One signs says 'end racism'.

feel good:From tattoo stencils to ochre canvases, how Shal found connection to country through painting

After suffering burnout from the gruelling workload of tattooing, Indigenous punk artist Shal took up meditative painting as way to connect the city with country and mob.
A man wearing a black hoodie sits in from of a purple and green artwork and the Aboriginal flag.

Distant Familiarity exhibition highlights the importance of home

Painter and Bundjalung man Shaun Daniel Allen's new exhibition highlights the importance of home. Shal's art started as a way of finding peace and calm, not knowing it would develop into his unique and distinct style. 
ABC News Current
Duration: 4 minutes 46 seconds

Legal 'breakthrough' sees roles reversed for First Nations fishers forced to prove connection to country

A court has reversed the burden of proof in a long-running legal battle over cultural fishing rights between First Nations people and the NSW government.
A silhouette of a diver going fishing off NSW coastline

perspective:Debra was called a vile, racist name just days after the referendum but still hopes to see change in her lifetime

Indigenous leaders say it's crucial that positive First Nations stories are shared with non-Indigenous Australians to stamp out racism, and say NAIDOC Week is a chance for those stories to be heard. WARNING: This story contains racist and offensive language.
a woman standing in a park with curly hair, smiling, wearing a black jacket and purple scarf

Old and new worlds combine bushfire knowledge to ensure K'gari's future

In 2020, an illegal campfire on K'gari sparked a blaze that ravaged more than half of this culturally important island and tourist destination. A collaboration led by traditional owners is now working to avoid such devastation ever happening again.
An Indigenous man touching a tree

Cultural exchanges between Paris and Bendigo haven't always been glamorous — or ethical

It took 140 years for Djaara cultural items to be returned home after they were displayed at the 1878 Paris Exposition. With another cultural exchange with Paris underway in Bendigo, the repatriation campaign for Dja Dja Wurrung continues.
A hand-held fan spread open to reveal a panoramic image of Paris, the Eiffel Tower and people wearing attire from the 1880s.

New Pilbara protected areas 'key' to reversing negative impacts on Indigenous cultural heritage

Ancient Pilbara land and sea country will be revitalised after 12 new Indigenous Protected Areas were announced across Australia today.
A man wearing a broad-brimmed hat stands in the outback on a sunny day.

Indigenous custodians embrace chance to curb tourism at 'trashed' swimming spot

Traditional owners in the Bellingen Valley now have a big say in how to protect a culturally significant site that has been paying a heavy environmental price for its popularity.
Never Never River

This Perth Scorchers player is breaking down barriers stopping young Indigenous people playing cricket

Cricket hasn't just provided Mikayla Hinkley with a sporting career, it's also allowed her to connect with her Indigenous heritage and become a role model for aspiring athletes.
Mikayla Hinkley stands with a cricket bat propped on her shoulder.

This 'superfood' has been around for 60,000 years, so why don't we use it more?

A group of First Nations Australians is leading the push to put native grains on the menu, foster an industry that stays in Indigenous hands, create employment, and improve health.
Hands gold grain and flour

Push to bring ancient, native grains back to the table

Gamilaraay man Jacob Birch is working to create a native grains industry for First Nations people.
ABC News Current
Duration: 1 minute 44 seconds

How this Warlpiri man who lives in the desert got his first art show at a London gallery

This year, Adrian Jangala Robertson became the first Aboriginal artist to be a finalist for the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman prizes in the same year. Now he's taking his art overseas.
An older Aboriginal man in a cowboy hat sits in a wheelchair, bright paintings behind him. He's wearing a red London jumper

First-of-its-kind survey of the ocean floor discovers 'submarine canyons' full of unique marine life

Ever wondered what the ocean floor around Australia's coast looks like? A first-of-its-kind survey has uncovered new information about underwater canyons.
A collage of photos shows a range of unique underwater creatures.

Bunbury-born boxer wins top NAIDOC sports award as he eyes off world champion ranking

Alex Winwood has achieved plenty in his 11-year boxing career, but standing up in front of 1,800 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as sportsperson of the year is a moment he'll never forget.
Professional boxer striking opponent in boxing ring as opponent attempts to block