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Health Administration

Regional doctor questions WA government's massive funding boost for the RFDS

A new $800 million contract for WA's Royal Flying Doctor Service has come as "a slap in the face" to rural doctor Michael Livingston, who wants more money spent on primary health care in the bush.
He walks past a tall gum tree and wears red sneakers, photo taken from low

Investigation into Charlie Stevens's medical records breach to take months

SA Health says it is still months away from completing an investigation into a potential privacy breach involving a patient ABC News understands to be Charlie Stevens, the son of the SA Police commissioner.
A boy and his dad smiling together while on a mountain.

As a young nurse, Dulcie was not afraid to speak up. At 85, she's been given the NAIDOC lifetime achievement award

A complaint about a policeman ended Dulcie Flower's stint in a hospital emergency department. But it started a long career focused on improving the health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
A woman standing on a beach looks out across the water

Thousands of Victorians escalate rallying cry against potential hospital mergers, funding cuts

North-east Victorian residents express their anger about possible hospital service mergers as discussions about the future of the state's healthcare system intensify.
A crowd cheers at a rally.

HECS debt lure for GPs to come and work in Tasmania

Australia is facing a national GP shortage. Tasmania is hoping a new incentive plan, to wipe HECS debts or provide a relocation payment, means they will choose the island state — but, there is a catch.
A doctor wearing a white lab coat with pens in their pocket and a stethoscope. Chest only in frame

Staff and families had concerns about death certificates at a hospital. Now, 29 have been referred to the coroner

In 2021, a woman raised concerns about a staff member at a major Tasmanian hospital who issued a death certificate for her grandmother. That staff member responded they had the proper authorisation — as it turns out, they did not. Now, a total of 29 deaths at the LGH will be referred to the coroner.
A sign sits outside Launceston General Hospital.

Maria used a sperm donor to have her son. Then the man tracked her down

Maria thought she was doing the right thing by connecting with the sperm donor she used to conceive her baby. She now wants the clinic to warn other families.
A close up image of a baby sleeping, his eyes are closed and he is lying on one arm.

What it takes to be a 'cuddle carer': Advice from a veteran of 1,000 hugs

When Jenny Summerson answered a newspaper ad in the 1990s for a hospital helper, she had no idea she'd become an expert cuddler in the maternity ward.
A tiny baby sleeping on someone's chest

Debate continues on regulating the NDIS workforce

In the midst of a big news week, crucial recommendations about how to better regulate the NDIS workforce, and cut out fraud, are currently being debated in Federal Parliament.
ABC News Current
Duration: 9 minutes 32 seconds

Disability groups urge government to make significant changes to NDIS bill amid fears it will have negative impact

They're also frustrated with the recommendations of the government-led Senate inquiry into the legislation describing them as "profoundly disappointing and disrespectful".
A man in a wheelchair holding a cane next to someone walking and wearing jeans.

'We're never gonna forget what happened': The trauma of Amelia and Zach's IVF experience lingers

Ten months after their dream of becoming parents turned to tragedy, these families are still fighting a giant IVF company to find out what went wrong.
A man and woman sit outdoors looking at the camera with a neutral expression. The woman has her arm around him.

'We got the wrong sperm': Anastasia and Lexie are living an IVF nightmare. The clinic won't take responsibility

The mystery of what went wrong at one of Australia's biggest fertility clinics haunts this couple.
Two women sit on an unfinished deck outside a converted shed. They are looking at the camera with neutral expression.

'Deeply distressing': Another 16 deaths at Tasmanian hospital to be referred to coroner following investigation

An investigation into unreported deaths at the Launceston General Hospital has found an additional 16 cases that should have been referred to the coroner. It follows allegations a senior staff member edited death certificates so the cases were not referred.
Exteriors of a public hospital.

Families caught in cochlear implant bungle at Adelaide children's hospital receive $2.7 million

A total of $2.72 million has been paid to 139 families whose children were caught up in the cochlear implant bungle at Adelaide's Women's and Children's Hospital — but the government says that does not preclude them from pursuing further legal action.
Hard of hearing, expert on cochlear

Jobs are being left unfilled in Tasmania's public health system — on purpose. The government says it's 'prudent'

Job vacancies across radiology, pathology, nursing and midwifery questioned extensively by Labor and the Greens in response to the Tasmanian government's "vacancy control" measures, leaked last week in an internal Health Department memo.
Two buildings of the Royal Hobart Hospital with kunanyi/Mount Wellington visible in the background

Claire planned to have a large family, but a birth injury left her infertile. Hers is one of the stories before an inquiry

Tasmanian mothers have been speaking out on their birth experiences as part of a parliamentary inquiry investigating maternity services in the state.
A line drawing of a woman cradling a baby with a hospital bed behind.

'They ignored me, a whole room full of people': Women speak out about 'abuse' in the birth suite

An ABC investigation uncovers allegations of mothers undergoing birth procedures without consent or being medicated with antidepressants and feeling like they've been "spiked", despite saying "No".
A mother kisses the forehead of her baby in soft window light.

'Big, brave decisions' called for after Tasmania plummets to among worst for hospital wait times

Ten years ago, this state was among the best performing jurisdictions for wait times of people in desperate need of emergency hospital treatment — but government data shows that situation has worsened dramatically.
Hospital bed.

Patients at Sydney hospital given bells in place of faulty nurse buzzer system

For more than a year, patients with broken bones and those recovering from surgery were using bells similar to those used at hotel reception desks and restaurant kitchens.
A hospital sign pointing the way to the emergency and maternity departments.

Elective surgeries remain cancelled in Adelaide, as hospitals grapple with overwhelming demand

South Australia's code yellow emergency has been extended for metropolitan and peri-urban hospitals, but will be lifted for country hospitals. Respiratory infections have been largely blamed for the surge in demand, as the government works to add extra beds.
An ambulance driving past the Royal Adelaide Hospital

Burnt-out nurses at Victorian hospital say government needs to rebuild broken health system

Bendigo Health remains in a code yellow internal emergency after it couldn't keep up with the number of people attending for treatment, with workers saying Victoria's health system is "struggling", "unprepared", and needs "rebuilding".
A man outside a hospital.

Ambulance ramping smashes previous record in SA as war of words erupts over election

Record ramping statistics in South Australia prompt an extraordinary outburst from the SA Opposition Leader about Labor’s 2022 campaign, with David Speirs accusing the government of winning the election "on the basis of this lie".
A green and yellow ambulance driving on a road

'Reversible illness' forcing women out of workforce leads doctor to call for menopause drug reform

Many menopause drugs on the market derive from estrogen from pregnant horses. Now, a women's health expert and integrative doctor is calling for a shake-up of the government-subsidised PBS list to include newer medicines with fewer side effects.
Menopause drugs

Day surgeries cancelled and patients transferred as Melbourne private hospital enters voluntary administration

The 51-bed hospital in Melbourne's western suburbs had been open for just over a year before announcing its closure and the appointment of administrators.
Sunshine Private Hospital

British doctor leaving UK for better lifestyle triples his salary in Australia

After a decade of working in Britain's besieged NHS, Harshal Deshmukh had had enough. So he headed to Queensland and hasn't looked back.
A man sitting at a desk turns slightly to look at the camera, with a neutral expression.