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Federal Parliament

'I won't be the last': Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney bows out after a trailblazing career

The Indigenous Australians minister says she gave everything she could "with all her heart" to advance reconciliation and improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Linda Burney smiles and waves as she leaves a press conference. She is next to the Aboriginal and Australian flags.

Linda Burney, Brendan O'Connor to retire from politics as Albanese reshuffles ministry

Linda Burney, the first Aboriginal woman elected to the House of Representatives and the federal Minister for Indigenous Australians is one of two senior ministers retiring from politics as part of a reshuffle of the Albanese ministry.
Anthony Albanese Linda Burney Voice referendum

Future of Australia's live music industry questioned at federal inquiry

The Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts heard evidence from a variety of stakeholders, including the state government's Arts Queensland, peak body QMusic, and a research round table.
The Zoo crowd looking at the stage while a mic lays on the ground near the camera.

analysis:Albanese and Dutton are watching three potent issues bubbling away in the US

The two sides of politics in Australia will slug it out over inflation, immigration and energy between now and the election — and both will be closely watching how these issues play out in the US.
A composite image of Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese.

'This has to stop': From behind bars, a former sports betting addict is urging the PM to tackle gambling addiction

A former financial planner who stole $3.3 million from his clients to fund his sports betting addiction writes to the prime minister from his prison cell, urging him to adopt the recommendations made by a parliamentary inquiry into online gambling harm.
Man with black hair in white t-shirt and grey hoodie stands on beach with waves crashing on rocks behind him on a sunny day

analysis:The history of the CFMEU weirdly sheds light on JD Vance and our upcoming 'critical decade'

The CFMEU's history gives us a window into Australia's economic, political and industrial landscape over the past 40 years.
JD Vance smiles, raises his left hand places his right hand over his heart as he walks out on a stage.

analysis:The bad apples at the CFMEU are on the way out. The next crop deserves close attention

No doubt the administrators will clean out the CFMEU. But you'd be an optimist to feel confident that one collection of bad applies won't eventually be replaced by another. 
A closeup shot of the prime minister looking sombre, wearing glasses and frowning

analysis:Kevin Rudd is a new Trump convert

After once describing Donald Trump as "nuts" and a "traitor to the West", former prime minister Kevin Rudd has changed his tune.
A composite of headshots of both men speaking at microphones.

Shorten says Labor will not be 'taking any CFMEU money anymore'

Cabinet minister and former union leader Bill Shorten says he expects the ALP to ban all donations from the embattled CFMEU when the party's executive meets today.
Bill Shorten looks stern as he addresses the media

The ATO is cracking down on former company directors in a blitz some say will send them bankrupt

The ATO has issued tens of thousands of director penalty notices that make people personally liable for debts, and is also more commonly using garnishee notices, which allow it to take money directly from a person's bank account or employer. That's sending more businesses under.
Andrew Christodoulou  pic 2 by craig andrews

analysis:13 rate rises could be expected to 'cook' a government — but some Albanese insiders can't believe the polls

After all the bleak headlines of the past couple of weeks, Albanese's cheery optimism may seem a little weird. But some in the government can't believe they're not "cooked".
Anthony Albanese smiling as an excited voter, a young woman, takes a selfie with him.

analysis:Inside the reform battle aiming to protect Australia from 'billionaires who try to influence our elections'

Labor's Don Farrell is working on changes that would cap both donations and spending during federal elections. But the far-reaching reforms are expected to face a rough parliamentary road ahead.
An older man in a suit and red, spotted tie, speaks into a microphone on a podium during an address.

Senator Payman's resignation renews debate on caucus rules

With federal politicians now back in their electorates for the winter break, the focus of the debate within Labor ranks is about Palestine and the resignation of Senator Fatima Payman.
ABC News Current
Duration: 8 minutes 15 seconds

'Not up to me': Greens deputy won't say whether Hamas should be dismantled

Greens deputy Mehreen Faruqi says it should be left to Palestinians to decide whether to dismantle Hamas, as she also makes claims that ex-Labor senator Fatima Payman is being "vilified" by her former party.
A woman with black-rimmed glasses speaking during a news interview from television studio.

analysis:The fallout from Payman's departure continues, as international elections reflect the war in Gaza's impact on voter division

It's been a wild week in politics, both here in Australia and across the world. It's a reflection that recent events in the Middle East will continue to dominate and divide voters for some time to come. 
Anthony Albanese, Fatima Payman and Peter dutton in a composite image of three photos

Labor calls for Senator Payman to quit, but in the meantime they may need her vote

Senator Fatima Payman announced that she quit the Labor Party and will be running as an independent.
Senator Fatima Payman stands in front of a media pack in Parliament House to announce she's quitting the Labor Party

Senator Fatima Payman quits Labor Party to sit as an independent

Winter has crept over the capital and federal parliament has risen for the mid-year break and it comes amid scenes of acrimony - both inside and outside the building.
ABC News Current
Duration: 16 minutes 22 seconds

Muslim Vote movement sets sights on two federal Labor seats in Western Sydney

The convenor of The Muslim Vote movement Sheikh Wesam Charkawi plans to announce candidates for two federal seats currently held by Labor as early as next week, and says voters are turning away from the government due to its "weak" support for Palestinians. 
A muslim man in a white top looks at the camera, holding a jacket

analysis:All eyes are on Payman's future with Labor, but Dutton has his own woes playing out behind closed doors

The last week of parliament before the winter recess can often be messy — and this week proved to be no exception for either Anthony Albanese or Peter Dutton. 
Two older men in gray suits look concerned

A day in the life of the Speaker of the House

Laura Tingle spends a day with the Speaker of the House, Milton Dick, finding out more about his role in relation to Australian democracy and the rich traditions that infiltrate Parliament House.
ABC News Current
Duration: 7 minutes 55 seconds

Senate committee recommends major overhaul for corporate watchdog, splitting ASIC into two new regulators

Australia's corporate watchdog, ASIC, isn't prosecuting enough white-collar crime and can't perform its full range of duties, so a Senate committee has recommended it split into two new, more streamlined regulators.
ASIC sign

analysis:'Build more houses' sure sounds great as a solution to the housing crisis, but a few key factors scream 'buyer beware'

This seems as good a time as any to evaluate the reliability of what politicians tell us about the housing crisis — and how they're going to make things better.
Anthony Albanese looks across the table at Peter Dutton during Question Time.

New research shows how intervention could protect children from DV-related deaths

The first study tracking the murder of children by parents in domestic violence situations is released.
An old photo of a young woman holding a smiling baby.

Laws to ban live sheep exports by 2028 pass parliament following lengthy debate

Laws to phase out Australia's live sheep export trade by 2028 pass parliament, despite last-ditch attempts by opponents to put the brakes on the legislation.
A pen full of merino sheep with one looking directly at the camera.

analysis:Everyone smells blood in the water around the government. Framing the issues has become more important than ever

Some frame Julian Assange as a free press warrior and others a reckless hacker. As Anthony Albanese backed quiet diplomacy to free him, this unusual move to wield political influence over the legal systems of our democratic allies seems to have been lost in the haze. 
Anthony Albanese and Julian Assange's faces in a composite image.