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Community and Society

Tahnee has two years to turn things around or her children could be removed

The Closing the Gap strategy set out to halve the rate of First Nations children in out-of-home care by 2031, but the numbers are still climbing. 
A shot from behind of a mother and a son sitting on a park bench.

'This has to stop': From behind bars, a former sports betting addict is urging the PM to tackle gambling addiction

A former financial planner who stole $3.3 million from his clients to fund his sports betting addiction writes to the prime minister from his prison cell, urging him to adopt the recommendations made by a parliamentary inquiry into online gambling harm.
Man with black hair in white t-shirt and grey hoodie stands on beach with waves crashing on rocks behind him on a sunny day

Missed Dry July? It can help to aim for moderation instead

Alcohol-free periods are important for our health, but is a short period of abstinence always the best approach, and how can you avoid immediately returning to bad habits? 
A woman is holding palming her hand back at the invitation of a glass of a brown alcoholic beverage

Smiling Prince George celebrates 11th birthday with new photo from Princess of Wales

A new photograph of Prince George, taken by the Princess of Wales, has been released to mark his 11th birthday.
Prince George

Friends with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome helping others to deal with the little understood but painful condition

Evelyn Froend has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which means she wakes every day in chronic pain. She needs to wear braces on many of her joints just to stop them dislocating, but her condition is not well understood by the medical system.
A woman gives a subtle smile to the camera from inside a home, with art supplies in the background. She has a neck brace.

William says an NDIS sex work ban would deny him and others of a 'human need' because of their disability

William says he and other NDIS participants have the same wants and aspirations as anybody else — and a sex work ban would deny a whole section of the community from a "deeply ingrained human need" based just on their circumstances.
A man wearing a dark hoodie pictured from behind, in front of a business called "Harlots".

The boss of Bega cheese heard the Netherlands wanted to become a circular economy. Now he wants it for his town

Seafood waste is being made into fertiliser and a cheese boiler plant runs on wood waste in the small New South Wales town. Could this be the future of sustainability?
A paddock of dairy cows on rolling hills

'Storm in teacup' erupts over council proposal to return fencing to home of Double Blues

"Misinformation" and community "division" — it sounds like the latest report about the upcoming American presidential election. In fact it's a sleepy suburb in Adelaide's inner-south where a proposal to build a fence has ignited online fury.
Close up of sign saying Unley Oval

Queen Camilla celebrates 77th birthday wearing iconic 1,333-diamond-crown at opening of UK parliament

The formal start of the UK's parliamentary year happened to fall on Queen Camilla's 77th birthday.
Queen Camilla wearing a jewel crown and jewel necklace in a white dress

Joey Vines drowned quietly in a neighbour's pool. Years later, his family is finally smiling again

Joey's family had just moved into their new rental home and were waiting for removalists to deliver their furniture, but when they arrived he had disappeared. 
A bespectacled woman and her 10yo daughter look solemnly at photos of a boy.

Money bought Amer's family freedom and a new life. It has not bought them peace

More than 2,000 Palestinian refugees have made their way to Australia since the war in Gaza began in October last year. While relieved to have made it out, many are deeply pained by the fact they are now safe while many of their friends and family are not.
Composite photo of two men and one woman.

As DV incidents rise across the country, here's where new services will be available

Mental health problems can overlap with trauma, complex trauma and disability, making simple diagnoses and treatment difficult.
A close up of fidgeting hands. In the background, a psychologist watches on, taking notes.

Port Augusta secures $12m over three years from SA and federal governments for youth programs

The South Australian and Commonwealth governments commit $12 million over three years for Port Augusta and Davenport for youth programs. 
Children hold artwork and smile.

Ambitious Perth foreshore plan could see Riverside Drive re-routed, but the WA Government is unconvinced

City of Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas reveals a new plan to transform the riverfront at Langley Park at a cost of "billions" of dollars, which the state government immediately labels a "pipe dream".
Basil Zemplias speaks in front of reporter microphones.

Rare footage captures uncontacted Indigenous tribe in Peruvian Amazon

Uncontacted Indigenous tribe Mashco Piro emerge out of Peruvian Amazon.
Wideshot of dozens people on a river beach with a lush rainforest behind them.
Duration: 20 seconds

This registered nurse is working two jobs so she can afford the rising cost of gluten-free products

Families dealing with food allergies say the price of their weekly shop has more than doubled, with calls for subsidised groceries to help relieve the pressure on people suffering from coeliac disease.
Rebecca in a yellow dress hugging her two sons in her kitchen.

analysis:Young diverse voters split with Labor over war in Gaza

Young people's view of politics and political expression differs from older generations, and they're showing it by abandoning the two major parties.
A teenage girl with blonde hair is shouting into a megaphone at a pro-Palestinian student rally

analysis:Trump's near-assassination is part of long history of violence in the US. Here's why this feels different

Campaigning politicians and sitting presidents have been killed and attacked, and while there have been pleas for unity from both sides, there is little to suggest the heated and divisive nature of politics will ease.
A man in a suit with a bandaged ear

'It was like a bomb': How the Boxing Day tsunami unfolded 20 years ago

As the sun crested the horizon on Boxing Day 20 years ago, these Australians holidaying in Thailand had no idea their lives were about to be engulfed by chaos. This is what they remember about that day.
A video still of a tsunami wave coming over a wall and sending up a big spray of water. The blue ocean is in the background

Royal Correspondent previews King Charles’ first Australian tour as a reigning monarch

King Charles and Queen Camilla are set to visit Australia and Samoa for the first time since the King ascended to the throne.
ABC News Current
Duration: 1 minute 33 seconds

These conspiracy believers thought vaccines were used to control us before something changed their minds

Four former conspiracy theorists held beliefs that governed almost every aspect of their lives. Then, for each of them, a powerful trigger made them change their minds. Their stories offer insight into life inside the rabbit hole — and hope for escaping it.
Joel Hill, with bald head and black t-shirt, smiles sitting at wooden table with grass and green bushes behind him.

Satellite images show how a whole community has been illegally built. Now bulldozers are moving in

For decades, thousands of people thought they were buying land and built their homes there. But the title holder was always a superannuation company, and now it has brought in the bulldozers. 
A bulldozer removes a section of building

Pilots raise concern over firefighting resources at Australian airports but airport safety body says all standards are being met

A pilots association is claiming aviation services all over Australia have seen a reduction in firefighting resources while Airservices Australia argues it has not reduced rescue firefighting resources.
Firefighters aiming a huge torrent of water from a hose at a prop jet engine ablaze.

Prison is an information black hole. One newspaper hopes to shine a light inside

An anonymous column from a former police officer, an investigation into a death in custody and a visual arts gallery feature in the first edition of a national prison newspaper. 
An illustration of a man in a white top and red pants sitting in a prison cell looking at a newspaper on a bench

Are wave parks the answer to 'surf rage'?

The battle for the surf has moved from the ocean to the pool where rival companies are spending tens of millions of dollars to create the perfect artificial wave.
Two surfers, one lying on his surfboard and other wave jumping on top of a blue-green wave with a modern building behind them.