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Join us on Tuesday, August 20, for the next Patient Advocate Forum that will explore how artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping oncology and share insights into strategies to navigate the opportunity and uncertainty.

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FDA-AACR Workshop: How Much Is Enough? Trial Designs for Treatment Regimens

Video recordings are available from the one-day public workshop.

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Science Policy and Government Affairs Events

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Science Policy and Government Affairs at the AACR Annual Meeting

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AACR Letters, Policy Documents, and Position Statements

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From funding research grants to minimizing the barriers to clinical trials, the decisions made in Washington, D.C., directly influence the rate of progress in the war against cancer. Issues regarding health and science are becoming increasingly complex, and competition for limited resources is steadily increasing. These times require that cancer researchers become more actively involved in the policy-making process and take time to educate the public about the exciting progress occurring in the fight against cancer.

The AACR’s principal means for devising and implementing strategies to influence funding and important biomedical research-related public policy issues through The Science Policy and Government Affairs Committee and its subcommittees:

Science Policy and Government Affairs Committee. Provides guidance on public issues of concern to cancer researchers and focuses on mechanisms for speeding up cancer research.