Apply to the Interspiritual Companioning & Counseling program

Applications are being accepted now through July 24 to start September 2024.

We view the admissions process as a discernment practice and an opportunity for reflection and discovery. Whether you’re called to a higher level of service or looking to align your mind and heart, our goal is to help you uncover the guidance of your inner wisdom and to see if One Spirit is the next step in exploring and developing your inner life. This is done in three steps:


Step 1:

Discovery Call

We invite you to schedule an informal 30-minute chat with someone from our admissions team to:

  • Hear a personal experience of One Spirit

  • Explore deeper into your heart where you're being called to contribute to the world

  • Help you determine if one of our core programs is right for you


Step 2:

Written Personal Inquiry

Our on-line application is an invitation of self-exploration, giving you the spaciousness to retrace the steps of your spiritual journey that has led you to this point. It includes:

  • 8 short essay questions (up to 400 words)

  • Two references (1 professional, 1 personal, non-family members) from those who can speak to your commitment to service. They will be invited by email to complete an online recommendation form when you list them on your application.

  • Seal your application with a small fee ($50) to demonstrate your commitment to the process


Step 3:

Discernment Dialog

The final step is where you have an intimate and openhearted one-hour conversation with a program facilitator to go more deeply into your history, your skills and challenges, and your vision for the future. Specific questions are used as launching points for rich and vibrant sharing.

We welcome all qualified adults, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, ethnic background, socio-economic status, or sexual orientation. All applications are reviewed and each candidate is carefully considered. Acceptance into a program is based heavily on the applicant’s character and emotional and spiritual maturity.



Formal academic requirements are reviewed but not required for admission; however applicants must be able to communicate, read, and write at a high school educational level.

Building a healthy community is an important part of the One Spirit experience. Applicants are expected to demonstrate the ability to function as part of a community. This entails a commitment to emotional and spiritual integrity, honest communication, and responsible speech and behavior.