Interspiritual Companioning & Counseling Program Faculty

ISCC Program Facilitators


Rev. Nathan Brisby: ISCC Facilitator

Rev. Nathan Brisby is an ordained Interfaith Minister and Interspiritual Companion and Counselor. For his primary vocational service, he leads the learning and organizational development functions for a large labor rights organization. As a spiritual teacher, he has led workshops on a variety of topics, including building self-care practices, Biblical studies for the LGBTQIA+ experience, mindful leadership, leading change, compassion fatigue, giving and receiving feedback, meditation as social change, mindful leadership, high impact communication, dismantling white supremacy, and many others. Prior to his service in the labor movement, he worked professionally in the performing arts and animal welfare spaces. Nathan founded a not for profit, Broadway Gives Back, which connects non-profit organizations with the Broadway community. He is also a certified grief counselor He grew up in a deeply evangelical Christian home, going back for generations. He currently lives in Astoria, NY with his husband, Stephen, and their dog, Dewey.

Khadijah Matin

Rev. Dr. Khadijah Matin: ISCC Facilitator

Rev. Dr. Khadijah Matin has established a solid record of commitment to education and faith-based organizations, serving in multiple leadership roles. Building upon her interests in her family history and social justice work, Khadijah’s work looks at the role family and faith history plays as identity and transformation models. Along with her experience in nonprofit governance, and in recognition of her works in intercultural dialogue and civic engagement she was appointed as an Ariane de Rothschild Fellow. Khadijah has an MS from Fordham University; certificates from One Spirit Seminary (2006); ISC Program (2010). She earned her D.Min. In 2012, from New York Theological Seminary, in Multi-faith ministry. Always inspired by her children, Khadijah is called by some as a “woman who walks through walls” and calling as a continuation of her family’s traditions, fulfilling the social justice dreams of her ancestors.

Rev. Dr. Ed O’Malley: ISCC Facilitator

Rev. Dr. Ed O’Malley has been a senior Dean in the One Spirit Interspiritual Counseling Program for the past several years. He is a One Spirit ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister, trained Shamanic energy medicine practitioner and a certified Nature Awareness Trainer. Ed also holds a PhD in neuroscience from Cornell University and board certification in Sleep Medicine and neurofeedback. Ed uses his broad background and training as a way to bring all facets of current knowledge to bear on our spiritual journey. He strives to extend deep awareness of the Natural World and integrate it with our inner world, emphasizing our interconnection with all life and the Spirit that moves through all things. As an ordained Interfaith Minister and Shaman with neuroscientific knowledge, Ed helps people to expand their spiritual awareness by reacquainting them with their own Divinity using practices centered on meeting body, mind and soul in Nature.

ISCC Supervisors

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We create transformative, resilient new realities by becoming transformed, resilient people.   

- Krista Tippett