07/23/2024 5:30 PM

Hartford City Hall

Hartford, CT

THE 119K commission
on at-risk and
disconnected youth
THE 119K commission
on at-risk and
disconnected youth
THE 119K commission
on at-risk and
disconnected youth
THE 119K commission
on at-risk and
disconnected youth
the crisis
the mission
the plan
the timing

the crisis

Connecticut is in the midst of an unspoken crisis, one that threatens every town and city. A staggering 119,000 of the state’s young people are at-risk or disconnected. That’s one out of five 14- to 26-year-olds who are in danger of dropping out of school or already dropped out and unemployed. That’s 119,000 futures at stake—and 119,000 reasons to act now.

the mission

The CCM 119K Commission on At-Risk and Disconnected Youth aspires to develop strategies in the coming months which, when fully implemented, will reconnect 60,000 young people to viable education and career pathways.

We will draw on the experience, knowledge, and commitment of stakeholders all across Connecticut and work to galvanize collective action to address systemic problems while deploying strategies to help young people realize their full potential.

the plan

The CCM Commission on At-Risk and Disconnected Young People is working together to identify and develop a comprehensive long-term strategy to reduce the number of at-risk and disconnected young people:

  • Supporting high school students at-risk of not graduating
  • Connecting young adults who are moderately disconnected or severely disconnected to the labor market
  • Supporting young people who are severely disconnected

the timing

Since forming in 2023, the Commission has been collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders, educators, municipal leaders, and other partners to raise awareness of the challenge, glean insights, and crowdsource potential solutions. 


state impact
societal impact
economic impact
state impact

20% of young people disconnected or at risk

line of 10 human silhouettes, the first two filled in with solid color

The data illustrates a stark reality: 119,000 14-26-year-olds in Connecticut, nearly 20%, are at-risk of not graduating high school or already disconnected from education and employment. Without intervention, many will become permanently dependent on the state and more susceptible to financial insecurity, substance abuse, crime, incarceration, and homelessness. 

societal impact

33% of high school students at risk of not graduating

line of 10 human silhouettes, the first three-and-a-third filled in with solid color

In 2023, the state’s graduation rate declined for the first time in recent memory. Disconnected youth bear the brunt of their choices, but the ramifications extend to society at large, too. Today’s young people are tomorrow’s doctors, teachers, parents, and other productive members of society. This lost potential will have negative downstream effects that society will contend with for years to come. Unless we take action and drive change. 

economic impact

$650 to $750 Million impact on CT’s taxpayers

line of 10 dollar symbols, the first six-and-a-half filled in with solid color

This statewide crisis has enormous economic costs.  Every year, taxpayers spend roughly $400 million in Medicaid, SNAP, rental assistance, TANF, and incarceration and other associated costs—costs that will grow unabated if unaddressed.

But, reversing the trend brings enormous economic opportunity. Re-engaging young people acts as a growth accelerant, with the potential to fill open jobs, boost state GDP by $5.5 billion, increase income tax contributions, and lower government spending. These benefits multiply over time triggering a virtuous cycle as reconnected youth become self-sufficient members of society. 

Report cover: sketches of teenaged faces superimposed over a map of Connecticut
the report

Getting young people back on track

Download our comprehensive study for a deep dive into Connecticut’s at-risk and disconnected young people. Tap into meaningful insights, strategies, and research findings for a deeper understanding of the challenge at hand—and how to drive change.


Community Leadership

City of Torrington
Dalio Education

This is not a Republican or Democrat issue—this is a statewide crisis impacting every community, and only together can we make an impact. With the future of our youth at risk, it’s our only option.

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Next Meeting

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 5:30PM

Hartford City Hall
550 Main St., Hartford, CT