Pacific Centre

Type: Malls, Shopping Centers

Last updated on October 18, 2018

Map / Directions 10Best Says

The Pacific Centre covers multiple city blocks and offers an indoor shopping experience that comes in handy on those notoriously wet Vancouver days. With some familiar brand name stores like The...  Read More


  • Best for Shopping Malls and Centers Because: British Columbia's only Nordstrom calls Pacific Centre home and it doesn't disappoint.
  • Best for Shopping near Cruise Port Because: The Pacific Centre shopping mall is in the hub of downtown Vancouver and it's where you will find just about everything under one roof.
  • Best for Christmas Shopping Because: The Pacific Centre is downtown Vancouver's mall with many known brands. This indoor shopping mall will keep you sheltered from frightful weather.
  • Recommended as Best Shopping Because: Pacific Centre is the best place to shop on a rainy day because it's completely covered and sheltered from the outdoors.
  • Recommended as Best of Vancouver's Downtown Because: Pacific Centre is all indoors and perfect for those rainy Vancouver days.
