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Domestic Trade Shows Calendar

All listings were accurate at press time. Please contact individual shows to confirm.

True Value

Lower travel costs and an updated Web site boost the profile of FCD.

Service Plan

Fashion Industry Gallery is looking to the second half of 2008 with new strategies to build traffic, increase…

Special Features

AmericasMart looks to boost the profile of its social occasion category.

Greater Selection

StyleMax offers its customers the opportunity to shop three separate trade fairs during markets.

Pile Up

Las Vegas will play host to at least 17 apparel trade shows the last week in August.

Sunny Forecast

With the economic outlook not quite as sunny as the San Diego weather, the city's lifestyle trade shows are…

Earth-Friendly Fashion

For Los Angeles' trade shows and markets, green means go.

Smart Choices

Moving into the second half of the 2008 New York City trade show calendar, organizers in New York City are…

American Apparel Opening in China

American Apparel Inc.'s rapid retail rollout is heading to China to coincide with the Summer Olympics in…

RBC Cash Index Drops for Month

Led by a sharp drop in consumers' optimism for the future, the RBC Cash Index declined to 33.1 in March…

Retailers: Contemporary Brands Need Innovation

The report cards are in, and merchants say the contemporary market needs fresh styles and more price…

Emerging Regions In Burke’s Sights

Russia, China and India may be all the buzz in fashion, but there is also significant opportunity in emerging…

Here Come the Brides

The Chinese wedding industry is booming — and Hong Kong is leading the way.

Wholesale Apparel Prices Flat

Seasonally adjusted wholesale prices for U.S.-made women's and girls' apparel held steady in December…
