Data Requests

We have several data sets to choose from to support your project. The data sets are defined below and can be chosen during the application process. Click here to skip to the resource applications.

Our resource request applications are for anyone who wants to use a WRAP resource or write a grant proposing the use of  WRAP resources. Before you begin, contact the WRAP study team to consult about the initial concept approval and feasibility.

We have the following data to offer:

These data sets are available for all or the majority of the WRAP participants:

  • WRAP clinical, cognitive and survey data – Data snapshots (“freezes”) taken semiannually, with data lock dates in May and November. Contains a wide variety of measures of cognition, clinical status, general health (self-report and laboratory), and limited social and behavioral factors. View the WRAP Freeze Data Dictionary
  • Data derived from plasma – Datasets comprising a variety of core AD biomarkers in plasma from several different laboratories, including multiple isoforms of amyloid and phosphorylated tau as well as markers of neurodegeneration and gliosis. For methodological details, click here to view the README file for each dataset.
  • Metabolomic data – The dataset includes longitudinal metabolomics from both plasma and CSF generated by Metabolon.
  • Genomics – Genome-wide array (GWAS) using the Illumina Expanded Multi-Ethnic Genotyping Array (MEGAex)
  • Genomics – Whole-genome sequencing can be applied for through the Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project

These data sets are available for a sub-set of the WRAP participants.  The data in these sub-sets are not necessarily time-linked to the main WRAP study visit:

  • Data derived from Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) – Datasets comprising a variety of analytes including core AD measures and some experimental markers. In general, caution should be exercised when combining assays from different files into a single analysis, as these represent distinct batches analyzed with different equipment in different labs. Click HERE for the README file.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – Volumetric measures relevant for computing global and hippocampal atrophy1, as well as vascular injury2 (white matter hyperintensities).  This dataset includes:
    These are in NIfTI format. Derived values are in tsv format.[1] Allison SL, Koscik RL, Cary RP, Jonaitis EM, Rowley HA, Chin NA, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Carlsson CM, Asthana S, Bendlin BB, Johnson SC. Comparison of different MRI-based morphometric estimates for defining neurodegeneration across the Alzheimer’s disease continuum. NeuroImage: Clinical. 2019 Jan 1;23:101895. PMCID: PMC6599872[2] Schmidt P, Gaser C, Arsic M, Buck D, Förschler A, Berthele A, Hoshi M, Ilg R, Schmid VJ, Zimmer C, Hemmer B, Mühlau M. An automated tool for detection of FLAIR-hyperintense white-matter lesions in Multiple Sclerosis. NeuroImage. 2012 Feb 15;59(4):3774–3783. PMID: 22119648
  • Positron emission tomography imaging (PET) –Derived values summarizing amyloid (PiB) and tau (MK6240/florquinitau) tracer uptake in regions of interest. These data include: T1 and PET data are in NIfTI format. Derived values are in tsv format.

In order to facilitate the request process, the following are statistics compiled from the WRAP cohort:

WRAP Statistics

-Derived from 11/30/2023 data freeze

Cohort Demographics and Cognitive Summary

Main Study Visit and Cognitive Status Summary

Primary Race

Participants with Hispanic Heritage




Multimodal Biomarker Counts

Summary statistics for participants with MRI


Demographic and Cognitive Summary

Summary statistics for participants with LP

Demographic and Cognitive Summary

Summary statistics for participants with Amyloid PET

Demographic and Cognitive Summary

Summary statistics for participants with Tau PET

Demographic and Cognitive Summary

Resource Applications


*For WRAP Applications: Your data request will be taken in consideration by the WRAP Science Executive Committee. You will be notified within 4-6 weeks regarding the status of your application.

**For UP Applications: Your resource request(s) will be taken into consideration by the applicable Science Executive Committee. You will be notified within 4 to 6 weeks regarding the status of your application. The Committee will not provide a written evaluation of proposals. A letter indicating the Committee’s decision to support or not support the proposed request will be provided to the applicant, along with any special instructions and/or requirements that must be met before resources will be released.