Global Regulatory Trends


WQA’s Government Affairs Department strives to improve the business climate for the water treatment industry by reducing regulatory burdens and increasing market opportunities worldwide. We maintain information on global and U.S. regulatory actions that affect our members around the globe

The Regulatory Info Search provides industry professionals access to regulatory information by establishing a network of current laws, regulations, and codes that affect the membership of the Association. The search tool, maintained by WQA staff, also allows WQA to keep track of regulatory changes and improve its ability to address the regulatory needs of its members.

Prepared Reports

The information in the reports below comes from the Regulatory Info Search

Private Well Testing and Disclosures 
State Pesticide Registration Programs 
State Plumbing Code Adoption Cycles 

International Resources 

Country Profiles

map of countries of the world

These reports outline resources and references to provide a starting point to understand a country’s regulatory landscape as it relates to the drinking water treatment and filtration industry. With ever-changing regulations, it is important to make sure you are looking at the most current version of every regulation or standard. WQA continuously maintains this report, so please check back often.

No information in these documents shall be interpreted as legal advice. Please consult an attorney regarding the proper application of these laws and regulations to your company’s products, materials, and practices.

A resource that looks at international laws and regulations focused on Bisphenol A (BPA) and structural homologs in Food Contact Materials (FCMs). This report reviews the legislative histories associated with such laws and the development of science and research by regulatory bodies.

(Core and Premier member only access)

A resource regarding the Internet of Things (IoT) market, generally devices enabled to connect to the internet. Regulations set before IoT present uncertainty on applicability to today’s data-driven world. To adjust, governments are taking steps to develop new regulatory frameworks. This report investigates countries we are aware of discussing IoT devices through regulations or initiatives. With ever-changing regulations, it is important to make sure you are looking at the most current version of every regulation or standard.

(Core and Premier member only access)

A resource regarding materials in contact with food during processing, packaging or storage. This can include component parts in units used for drinking water. This report investigates how countries are addressing food contact requirements as it relates to drinking water treatment units through regulations or other initiatives. With ever-changing regulations, it is important to make sure you are looking at the most current version of every regulation or standard.

(Core and Premier member only access)

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A resource regarding government policies which charges a producer with the treatment or disposal of post-consumer products. In theory, one motivation for countries to adopt EPR or products stewardship schemes is to incentivize material management and environmentally conscious product design to increase recycling and reuse and decrease waste. With ever-changing regulations, it is important to make sure you are looking at the most current version of every regulation or standard.

(Core and Premier member only access)

A resource regarding international and country requirements on performance and reduction standards for drinking water treatment units. This report investigates countries’ standards, organizations that develop standards as well as the location to find various requirements internationally. 

(Core and Premier member only access)

A resource that focuses on adopted or proposed regulations covering manufacturer responsibilities on reparability of products sold.

(Core and Premier member only access)

A resource regarding state retail food service codes and regulations and the relation to the water treatment industry. This report investigates the regulatory landscape of the food code and relevant standards.

(Core and Premier member only access)

A resource that reviews the nexus between Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations and the nexus between treatment and in Consecutive Systems and Building Water Systems (BWS).

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(Core and Premier member only access)

A resource that investigates the different drinking water quality standards being adopted around the world. With ever-changing regulations, it is important to make sure you are looking at the most current version of every regulation or standard.

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(Core and Premier member only access)

PFCs & PFAS Chart

State-by-state lists of PFAS or PFC actionable levels, health advisory levels and other information.

Helpful Regulatory Resources 

Additional Information on Rules & Standards:


  • EPA guide for waterways. Click here
  • EPA national summary of impaired waters and TMDL information. Click here

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES)

  • EPA guide on NPDES permits. Click here
  • Illinois EPA guide for Illinois pollutant discharge elimination system permits. Click here

State and Territories Contact List

  • EPA list of Health and Environmental Agencies. Click here
  • EPA NPDES State Contacts. Click here
  • Permits. Click here