Mother of 8-year-old girl killed when she crawled under train to catch bus sentenced to prison

Joy Frances Collins was convicted on 2 counts of child abuse and endangerment, and sentenced to 6 years in prison, Dec. 18, 2018. (KMPH)
Joy Frances Collins was convicted on 2 counts of child abuse and endangerment, and sentenced to 6 years in prison, Dec. 18, 2018. (KMPH)
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The California mother who sent her children crawling under a train so they wouldn’t miss the bus has been sentenced to prison.

Joy Frances Collins first sent her nine-year-old son, and he made it across the tracks.

But tragically, her eight-year-old daughter Joyanna Harris was dragged about 500 feet, partially dismembered, and killed when the train started moving.

That happened back in December 2018.

Collins faced two counts of child abuse and endangerment.

Former Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer had said witnesses heard Collins tell her children they had to hurry, or they would miss the bus.

Sadly, he added, the train only stopped for about 12 seconds before it started moving again while Joyanna was crossing under it.

A jury found Collins guilty in October, and on Tuesday, she was sentenced to six years in prison with credit for time served.

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