Where the HELL is my chiffon?!?!

Hello wordpress!

just what i needed; another online journal (notice, i refuse to say “blog.” between myspace, livejournal, and now this, im trying to spare myself some geekdom).  i have no idea who, other than myself, is reading this, but let it just be known that im not a poet, a writer, or an artist in anyway, nor do i claim to be, so if you’re searching for something insightful and artistic, you’re barkin’ up the wrong tree (haha! poet…be…tree…oh come on, im cute).  im a bad speller, i like bad jokes, im a little bit dramatic, and sometimes pretty self absorbed. but im real, and that’s cool. ya know what? i think i just wrote the dreaded “about me” paragraph that i usually struggle with (be honest, don’t you feel put on the spot with those?).  here’s to the little things that make you happy.