“Let’s Hope Today’s Events Inspire Others”: Rutgers Professor Under Fire for Posting on Trump Assassination Attempt

We have been following the controversies surrounding professors commenting on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. Some of those responses have ranged from celebrations to spreading bizarre conspiracy theories. The latest controversy concerns Rutgers University Writing Program Assistant Teaching Professor Tracy Budd, who posted a Facebook message saying ”Let’s hope today’s events inspire others.” These postings raise difficult questions for universities in balancing free speech rights against statements viewed as endorsing violence. Continue reading ““Let’s Hope Today’s Events Inspire Others”: Rutgers Professor Under Fire for Posting on Trump Assassination Attempt”

Was Donald Trump the Victim of White Privilege? A Democratic Member Wants to Know

For most of us, this election could not become more confusing. However, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D., Tx.) may have added a whole new level of confusion for many in suggesting that Donald Trump may have been the latest victim of systemic racism among law enforcement in the United States. Continue reading “Was Donald Trump the Victim of White Privilege? A Democratic Member Wants to Know”

Worth Reading: The Eighth Circuit Finds Bar on 18-20 Year Olds Violates the Second Amendment

The United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit has handed down a major ruling in Worth v. Jacobson in favor of the Second Amendment. The opinion by Judge Duane Benton upholds a lower court in striking down a Minnesota law limiting gun permits for persons 21 years old. It is a question that could find its way to the Supreme Court once splits among the circuits develop. Continue reading “Worth Reading: The Eighth Circuit Finds Bar on 18-20 Year Olds Violates the Second Amendment”

Succession by Defenestration: How Biden’s Withdrawal May Trigger a 25th Amendment Fight

Below is my column in the Hill on the withdrawal of President Joe Biden from the 2024 election. After weeks of Democrats and the media raising the alarm of his mental capacity, Biden finally gave up his public refusal to step aside. Harris will now be the nominee through succession by defenestration, or being tossed from a window. Yet, there remains a lingering question of Biden’s capacity to serve for another six months as president.

Here is the column: Continue reading “Succession by Defenestration: How Biden’s Withdrawal May Trigger a 25th Amendment Fight”

Supreme Folly: The Tragic and Ironic Legacy of President Biden on Court “Limits”

Below is my Hill column on President Joe Biden shifting his position on the Supreme Court and agreeing to “limits” on the Supreme Court. This ran before President Biden finally consented to withdraw from the race. It makes this last ditch effort even more tragic for his legacy. He resisted these calls for 50 years, including roughly four years of his presidency. He only succumbed in the final six months as he struggled to save his candidacy. It did not work, but his pledge will outlast his presidency.

As I mentioned in the column, the ploy might not work and Biden might not make it past the convention. The pledge, however, will remain and now Biden is committed to the ill-conceived legislation. After what I called “succession by defenestration” in yesterday’s column, Vice President Kamala Harris will likely want to show continuity in fulfilling this pledge. Indeed, judging from her past statements, she may double down on pushing for new limits. The irony is that his offer did not close the deal with the party for Biden, but he will now likely seek to fulfill the deal in limiting the Court.

Here is the earlier column (without changes due to the announcement): Continue reading “Supreme Folly: The Tragic and Ironic Legacy of President Biden on Court “Limits””

Anti-Free Speech Laws Hit New Heights in Italy: Reporter Fined for “Body Shaming” Prime Minister Meloni

I have long been critical of the erosion of free speech in Italy and other Western European countries, including the use of criminal libel laws against critics of the police or government. This week a Milan court has ordered a journalist to pay Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni damages of 5,000 euros ($5,465) for making fun of her in a social media post. Giulia Cortese was also given a suspended fine of 1,200 euros for a joke on X. It is the latest absurd example of the expanding crackdown on free speech.

Continue reading “Anti-Free Speech Laws Hit New Heights in Italy: Reporter Fined for “Body Shaming” Prime Minister Meloni”

Instagram Censors Paralympian Because of Photo with Competition Gun

Going Full Trump: Hunter Biden Challenges the Constitutionality of the Weiss Appointment

We previously discussed how Hunter Biden adopted the arguments of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other gun rights groups to challenge the law that his father has championed as a key gun control reform. In his effort to challenge his various charges, Hunter Biden has gone full Trump. Now, Hunter has adopted the Trump argument that special counsels are unconstitutional in seeking to toss out all of the charges by Special Counsel David Weiss, it is the very argument that Democrats and liberal law professors have denounced as meritless and menacing.  Having recently embraced the conservative justices in challenging gun laws, Hunter is now channeling Justice Clarence Thomas on the unconstitutionality of special counsel appointments — an argument that his father denounced as wrong and “specious.”

Continue reading “Going Full Trump: Hunter Biden Challenges the Constitutionality of the Weiss Appointment”

Of Ravens and Writing Desks: How the Trump Decision May Force the Supreme Court in the Wonderland of Special Counsels

Below is my column in USA Today on the decision to dismiss the Florida case against former president Donald Trump. The decision will soon force the Eleventh Circuit and possibly the Supreme Court in the wonderland of Special Counsels.

Here is the column: Continue reading “Of Ravens and Writing Desks: How the Trump Decision May Force the Supreme Court in the Wonderland of Special Counsels”

“They Lie and People Die”: Carnegie Mellon Professor Claims Trump Assassination Attempt was “Staged”

Georgia Democrats Move to Block Kennedy and Others in the Name of Saving Democracy

President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party insist that “Democracy is on the ballot” this election. While some of us have challenged that hyperbolic claim, one thing that may not be on the ballot is choice, if the defenders of Democracy have anything to say about it. Georgia Democrats have joined counterparts in other states to prevent citizens from being able to vote third-party candidates. Continue reading “Georgia Democrats Move to Block Kennedy and Others in the Name of Saving Democracy”

Trump’s Churchillian Moment: How the Near Miss Assassination Hit the Mark with Press and Pundits

Winston Churchill once famously said that “nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.”

For Donald Trump, the failed assassination attempt in Pennsylvania could prove politically exhilarating. After rising with a fist pump and a call to fight on, Trump seems to have gone from being a movement to a mythological figure with his supporters.  All he needs now is a big blue ox named Babe to return to the campaign trail. Continue reading “Trump’s Churchillian Moment: How the Near Miss Assassination Hit the Mark with Press and Pundits”

“Staged Theatrics to Win Idiots’ Vote”: Virginia Professor Declares Trump Shooting Was Faked

University of Virginia Assistant Professor Sethunya Mokoko took a break from teaching students to get the word out this week that the entire assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump was a staged event for suckers. Mokoko explained that it was just a ploy to get the votes of “idiots.” He, however, is available to offer sage-like clarity that the Secret Service, local police, and the Trump campaign conspired to fake the assassination, kill a bystander, and seriously wound others to get the sucker vote. He is not alone in this theory while others on the left are simply bemoaning that Thomas Matthew Crooks missed. Continue reading ““Staged Theatrics to Win Idiots’ Vote”: Virginia Professor Declares Trump Shooting Was Faked”

Res ipsa loquitur – The thing itself speaks