The Workplace Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

How can I handle an ambitious colleague, promoted ahead of me, that is self-serving and not that great at his job?

Background One of my colleagues joined my (large) company a year after me, on the same level as I was (mid-level). He and I initially had a good working relationship, though his code quality is ...

software-industry colleagues team promotion self-promoter  
user avatar asked by anonymous Score of 17
user avatar answered by mxyzplk Score of 60

Narcissist boss won't allow me to move on/sabotaged internal transfer

I've been with my company for 15 years. Never had an issue with any manager and never complained to HR. I had a baby 10 months ago and I have another one on the way so I have been using PTO (which I ...

legal california  
user avatar asked by Needing help Score of 16
user avatar answered by Gregory Currie Score of 80

Can your boss take vouchers from you, offered from suppliers?

I work in bathroom sales. The suppliers of the products we sell offer us "Love to Shop" vouchers for selling their goods over their competitors' goods. One promotion started from the 1st of ...

united-kingdom sales  
user avatar asked by Kitty Milly Score of 13
user avatar answered by Flater Score of 91

Is it worth it to apply to jobs that have over 100 applicants or have been posted for few days?

I was laid off and looking for a new job. On sites like LinkedIn they show the number of people who have already applied. Usually there are over 100 applicants per day. Is it still worth applying? A ...

user avatar asked by Pelgriminal Score of 13
user avatar answered by TheDemonLord Score of 28

Legality of company mandating employees to work late hours

The company I am employed at has a system where most (currently ~8) full-time employees are instructed to take turns staying late (previously 18:30, now down to 18:00) to make a pass around the ...

germany legal working-conditions  
user avatar asked by FullStackStressed Score of 4
user avatar answered by nvoigt Score of 15

Emailed resignation letter on Monday, no response?

I work for an entry level billing company. I've been here a little over 2 years and found a better job opportunity elsewhere. I emailed my resignation letter Monday, it stated in the subject line &...

resignation human-resources job-change  
user avatar asked by Workaholicc Score of 2
user avatar answered by Anketam Score of 4

How to respond to the company requesting information such as sexual orientation and preferred pronoun?

Context UK company operating in multiple European countries and I am working in one of the East European countries. recently changed the HR system, now having a focused more on the "social media&...

human-resources diversity  
user avatar asked by Alexei Score of 1
user avatar answered by Gh0stFish Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Is it business (formal) to say "sounds great" in email reply?

My potential employer emailed me for a skype interview as following: I will call you tomorrow at ##:##. Please provide me with skype ID to reach you on. [Name of Potential Employer] My reply would ...

professionalism interviewing email  
user avatar asked by vincentLaw Score of 5

Should I disclose a mental disorder that's been impacting my job to HR/my boss?

There is an existing question about depression in a different situation (job seeking), and the answers are mostly about the obligation to disclose it and clearance issues, which is not really what I'm ...

human-resources manager europe mental-health  
user avatar asked by MattRix Score of 7
user avatar answered by mhwombat Score of 41

Is it OK to leave very short-term employment off my resume?

For various reasons, I only worked for a company for a few weeks. Is it OK if I just don't put that on my resume, and pretend this employment never existed? There is really not much to talk about ...

job-search job-change employer-relations  
user avatar asked by ZCode Score of 36
user avatar answered by Joe Strazzere Score of 31

Is it rude to leave an interview early if you have already made your decision?

A friend of mine went on an interview recently for a software developer position at a well known company. It was a senior position, and he had very relevant business experience in the industry. I ...

interviewing professionalism hiring-process company-culture  
user avatar asked by maple_shaft Score of 510
user avatar answered by Karl Bielefeldt Score of 549

How can I politely request a correction via email?

Yesterday, a person in another company sent me a file that I had requested. The file was shared via an online document system, and even though the online document is brand new, the downloaded file is ...

professionalism communication email  
user avatar asked by Nicole Score of 10
user avatar answered by Eric Brown Score of 12

I prepared my CV in LaTeX and exported it to PDF. How to deal with a recruiter who insists on CV in Word format?

FOREWORD I prefer to create documents in formats such as LaTeX, Markdown or RMarkdown. They're platform and version (of the particular editor) independent. You can export them to good looking PDF ...

resume job-search recruitment  
user avatar asked by matandked Score of 192

Boss sends a birthday message. How to reply?

I just received an SMS from my boss which says "Happy Birthday, enjoy your day! John." If it was a close friend, I would have most likely replied with "thanks John, I will :)", but since this is my ...

communication work-environment  
user avatar asked by Mark.McBW Score of 45
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