7-Letter Words

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On this page, you will find a list of all 34,342 seven-letter words in the English language, which are especially important for the game of Scrabble. The ability to unscramble 7-letter anagrams leads to bingo, so make sure you use our WordsFinder to get the most out of this extensive list of words.

List of all 7-letter words in English

There are 34,342 words with 7 letters in English, accounting for 12.30% of all words in the dictionary. 7-letter words are the fourth most numerous group in English, accounting for 6% of all words used during everyday communication.

In the following sections, you will find a detailed breakdown of the most common letters in 7-letter words. To get the most out of these words for your favorite word game, use our WordFinder tool, which will give you a list of all possible words you can use in games like Worfeud, Word Connect, Word Chums, and many others.

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What is the most common letter in 7-letter words?

  • Among 34,342 words with 7 letters, the letter E appears in 22,217 of them. This means that 64.69% of 7-letter words contain the letter E.
  • The letter S is the only other letter that appears in more than half of all 7-letter words, with 18,695 appearances.
  • Next in line are two vowels – I, appearing in 47.62% of words with 7 letters, and A, appearing in 46.83%.
  • On the other side, only 1.21% of 7-letter words contain the letter Q, making it the least common letter in this group.
  • After Q, the next rarest letters in 7-letter words are J (1.95% of words), X (2.06% of words), Z (2.91%), and V, which is contained in 5.76% of all 7-letter words.
Letter 7-letter words containing % of 7-letter words containing
E 22,217 64.69%
S 18,695 54.44%
I 16,354 47.62%
A 16,083 46.83%
R 15,138 44.08%
N 12,790 37.24%
O 12,019 35.00%
T 11,640 33.89%
L 11,256 32.78%
D 8,691 25.31%
U 8,494 24.73%
C 7,680 22.36%
G 6,931 20.18%
M 6,307 18.37%
P 6,273 18.27%
H 5,668 16.50%
B 4,965 14.46%
Y 3,773 10.99%
K 3,464 10.09%
F 3,047 8.87%
W 2,737 7.97%
V 1,977 5.76%
Z 1,001 2.91%
X 708 2.06%
J 670 1.95%
Q 414 1.21%

Which are the most common starting letters in 7-letter words?

Letter 7-letter words starting with % of 7-letter words starting with
S 4,006 11.67%
C 2,869 8.35%
P 2,648 7.71%
B 2,440 7.11%
T 2,027 5.90%
R 1,898 5.53%
M 1,898 5.53%
A 1,828 5.32%
D 1,827 5.32%
F 1,488 4.33%
G 1,448 4.22%
H 1,227 3.57%
E 1,201 3.50%
L 1,192 3.47%
W 1,010 2.94%
U 881 2.57%
O 862 2.51%
N 694 2.02%
I 669 1.95%
K 607 1.77%
V 575 1.67%
J 454 1.32%
Z 207 0.60%
Q 181 0.53%
Y 179 0.52%
X 26 0.08%

The most common ending letters in 7-letter words

  • More than one-third of all 7-letter words end with the letter S, which makes it the most common ending letter in this group.
  • Around 10.57% of all words with 7 letters end with D and E, 8.39% of them end with the letter R, and 6.82% end with G.
  • More than 70% of all 7-letter words end with one of the above-mentioned letters.
  • On the other hand, there are no 7-letter words ending in V.
  • Only 1 word with 7 letters end with the letter J, only 3 of them end with Q, 0.08% end with Z, and 0.10% of 7-letter words end with the letter B.
Letter 7-letter words ending with % of 7-letter words ending with
S 11,566 33.68%
D 3,631 10.57%
E 3,630 10.57%
R 2,882 8.39%
G 2,341 6.82%
T 1,873 5.45%
Y 1,822 5.31%
N 1,476 4.30%
L 999 2.91%
A 981 2.86%
H 574 1.67%
M 478 1.39%
C 476 1.39%
K 422 1.23%
O 284 0.83%
I 275 0.80%
P 209 0.61%
X 115 0.33%
W 103 0.30%
F 77 0.22%
U 61 0.18%
B 35 0.10%
Z 28 0.08%
Q 3 0.01%
V 1 0.00%
J 0 0.00%

What are the most common 7-letter words in the English language?

7-letter words account for 12.30% of all words in the English language, but the frequency of their use is not as high as their volume is. Only 6.36% of all words used in everyday communication are 7-letter words.

  • The verb INCLUDE is the most frequently used 7-letter word. It accounts for 0.01% of all words used during the day and around 1.57% of all 7-letter words used.
  • The adposition BETWEEN is 1.55% of all 7-letter words used in everyday communication.
  • Next in line are BECAUSE (1.35% of all 7-letter words used), THROUGH (1.34%), COUNTRY (1.13%), and HOWEVER (1.13%).
  • More than 62% of all 7-letter words are either nouns or proper nouns, 20.13% of them are verbs, 12.79% are adjectives, and 3.11% are adverbs. These main word types account for more than 98% of all words with 7 letters.
  • In terms of frequency, nouns and proper nouns are the most frequently used 7-letter words (48.92%), followed by verbs (25.06%), adjectives (12.03%), and adpositions (5.45%).
Word Word type Frequency Frequency among 7-letter words
INCLUDE Verb 0.10% 1.57%
BETWEEN Adposition 0.10% 1.55%
BECAUSE Subordinating conjunction 0.09% 1.35%
THROUGH Adposition 0.09% 1.34%
COUNTRY Noun 0.07% 1.13%
HOWEVER Adverb 0.07% 1.13%
SERVICE Noun 0.06% 0.96%
AGAINST Adposition 0.05% 0.86%
ANOTHER Determiner 0.05% 0.83%
SEVERAL Adjective 0.05% 0.82%

What are the most frequently used 7-letter anagrams?

43.54% of all anagrams searched on the internet are 7-letter words. Additionally, 49.78% of all Google searches to unscramble words are with 7-letter words. Unscrambling words with 7 letters is especially useful for Scrabble if you’re looking to hit that bingo.

  • QUARTER is the most searched-for anagram on the internet, with over 3,000 searches per month.
  • It is followed by DICTION (2,160 monthly searches), CHRONIC (2,130 searches), SERVICE (2,010), and ANGULAR (1,960).
  • 9 out of 10 and 17 out of 20 most-searched-for anagrams are 7-letter words.
Rank Word/phrase Monthly searches
1 QUARTER 3,010
2 DICTION 2,160
3 CHRONIC 2,130
4 SERVICE 2,010
5 ANGULAR 1,960
6 SCIENCE 1,930
7 RACCOON 1,840
8 PERCENT 1,810
9 GRADUAL 1,730
10 GULLIES 1,720
11 NATURAL 1,610
12 HANDFUL 1,560
13 SAFFRON 1,520
14 CANTEEN 1,460