5-Letter Words: 12,930 Wordle Words

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This page contains a list of all 12,972 words with 5 letters in the English language, including 2,309 words that are believed to be potential solutions in Wordle. You can use our Wordle, Quordle, or Octordle solvers to find solutions to your daily puzzle or use our WordsFinder for other word games that feature 5-letter words.

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Most common letters in 5-letter words

When it comes to the most common letters in 5-letter words, there is a significant difference between the full list of words and Wordle-eligible words.

For example, the letter S is the most frequently present letter in 5-letter words overall, accounting for 10.28% of all letters used in 5-letter words. If we narrow the list down to 2,309 Wordle words, the letter S accounts for 5.79% of all letters, 44% less compared to all 5-letter words.

This is important to know when deciding the best choice of words to start within the game of Wordle. For this reason, we will analyze letter frequency for both cases – all 5-letter words and Wordle words.

  • In 2,309 Wordle-eligible words, the letter E is the most frequent letter, accounting for 10.65% of all letters. It is followed by the letter A with 8.45%, and the letter R with 7.77% frequency.
  • On the other hand, the letter J is the least frequent letter in potential Wordle answers, accounting for only 0.23% of all letters. The letter Q accounts for 0.25% of all letters, followed by X with 0.32%.
  • Looking at all 5-letter words, the letter S is the most common letter, accounting for 10.28% of all letters. It is followed by E with 10.27% and A with 9.24%.
  • The least frequent letter among all 5-letter words is Q with 0.17% appearances, followed by X with 0.44% and J with 0.45%.

The information on overall letter frequency is displayed in the table below.

Letter Wordle answers frequency Frequency among all 5-letter words Difference
A 8.45% 9.24% -8.55%
B 2.43% 2.51% -3.32%
C 4.11% 3.13% 31.59%
D 3.40% 3.78% -9.99%
E 10.65% 10.27% 3.73%
F 1.98% 1.72% 15.38%
G 2.69% 2.53% 5.94%
H 3.35% 2.71% 23.53%
I 5.80% 5.80% 0.13%
J 0.23% 0.45% -47.87%
K 1.82% 2.32% -21.61%
L 6.20% 5.20% 19.33%
M 2.74% 3.05% -10.16%
N 4.96% 4.55% 9.05%
O 6.52% 6.84% -4.68%
P 3.16% 3.11% 1.56%
Q 0.25% 0.17% 45.47%
R 7.77% 6.41% 21.20%
S 5.79% 10.28% -43.69%
T 6.31% 5.08% 24.30%
U 4.04% 3.87% 4.26%
V 1.32% 1.07% 23.05%
W 1.68% 1.60% 4.90%
X 0.32% 0.44% -27.82%
Y 3.67% 3.20% 14.85%
Z 0.35% 0.67% -48.22%
  • There are 860 5-letter words that contain ES, accounting for 6.63% of all words with 5 letters. This makes ES the most common 2-word combination in this group.
  • 5.87% of 5-letter words contain ER, 5.06% contain AR, 4.95% contain RE, and 4.93% contain ED. These are the most common 2-letter combos among words with 5 letters.
  • Among Wordle words, over 8.19% of them contain ER, making it the most common 2-letter combo among Wordle words.

Most common starting letters in 5-letter words for Wordle

  • The letter S appears as the first letter in 15.81% of all Wordle-eligible words. This means that, on average, every 6th Wordle solution starts with the letter S. Among all 5-letter words, the letter S accounts for 12.06% of all first letters.
  • 8.58% of Wordle words start with the letter C, 7.49% start with the letter B, and 6.45% start with the letter T.
  • The list of 5 most common starting letters in Wordle words closes with the letter P, accounting for 6.11% of all first letters.
  • Together with the letter A (6.06% of all first letters), these 6 starting letters account for more than 50% of the total Wordle words.
  • None of the 3,309 words included in Wordle don’t start with the letter X.
Letter Frequency as the starting Wordle letter
S 15.81%
C 8.58%
B 7.49%
T 6.45%
P 6.11%
A 6.06%
F 5.85%
G 4.98%
D 4.81%
M 4.63%
R 4.55%
L 3.77%
W 3.55%
E 3.12%
H 2.99%
V 1.86%
O 1.78%
N 1.60%
I 1.47%
U 1.43%
Q 1.00%
K 0.87%
J 0.87%
Y 0.26%
Z 0.13%
X 0.00%
  • The most common 2-letter combination in words with 5 letters is CO, appearing in 220 5-letter words.
  • It is followed by MA (193 words), RE (187), ST (183), BO, PA, and CA. These 2-letter groups account for over 10% of starting combos in 5-letter words.
  • When it comes to Wordle words, ST is the most common starting combination, accounting for 2.82% of all starting Wordle combos.
  • Other most common starting combos in Wordle include SH (2.25%), SP and CR (1.95%), and CH (1.735). These 5 combos account for over 10% of starting 2-letter combos in Wordle.

Most common ending letters in 5-letter words for Wordle

  • 18.28% of all Wordle-eligible words end with the letter E. This means that almost every fifth Wordle word ends with the letter E.
  • 15.76% of Wordle words end with the letter Y, the second most common ending letter among 2,309 Wordle words.
  • The letter T ends approximately 10.96% of the Wordle words, and the letter R is the last letter for 9.18% of the Wordle words.
  • These four letters account for more than 54% of all ending words in Wordle.
  • The are no Wordle words that end with the letters V, Q, or J.
Letter Frequency as the fifth letter in Wordle words Frequency as the fifth letter in all 5-letter words
E 18.28% 11.73%
Y 15.76% 10.03%
T 10.96% 5.60%
R 9.18% 5.19%
L 6.71% 3.67%
H 5.93% 2.85%
N 5.63% 4.09%
D 5.11% 6.34%
K 4.89% 2.00%
A 2.73% 5.24%
O 2.51% 3.00%
P 2.43% 1.13%
M 1.82% 1.40%
G 1.78% 1.10%
S 1.56% 30.51%
C 1.34% 0.98%
F 1.13% 0.63%
W 0.74% 0.49%
B 0.48% 0.45%
I 0.48% 2.16%
X 0.35% 0.54%
Z 0.17% 0.25%
U 0.04% 0.52%
V 0.00% 0.03%
Q 0.00% 0.03%
J 0.00% 0.02%
  • Over 5.60% of 5-letter words end with ES, which is the most common ending 2-letter combo.
  • It is followed by ED (4.09%), ER (3.42%), TS (2.98%), AS (2.25%), and KS (2.11%). These 6 combos account for more than 20% of all ending 2-letter combos in 5-letter words.
  • Among Wordle words, over 6.11% end with ER, making it the most common ending combo in Wordle words. It is followed by CH, LI, SE, AL, and CK.

Most common 5-letter words

While 5-letter words account for only 4.30% of all words in the English language, the frequency of their use in everyday language is bigger – over 8.16% of all words used in English are 5-letter words:

  • The most common 5-letter word is “which”, appearing 2.36 times for every 1,000 words, on average.
  • It is followed by “there”, accounting for around 2.06 out of every 1,000 words used in the everyday language.
  • 15 out of every 1,000 words used in daily communication are 5-letter words.
  • 9 of these appear more than once in every 1,000 words, on average.
Word Word type Frequency (appearances for every 1,000 words)
which Pronoun 2.36
there Pronoun 2.06
their Pronoun 1.78
other Adjective 1.67
about Adposition 1.51
would Auxiliary verb 1.35
after Adposition 1.17
first Adjective 1.05
these Determiner 1.04
think Verb 0.93
where Subordinating conjunction 0.92
could Auxiliary verb 0.86
place Noun 0.69
image Noun 0.68
study Noun 0.68
while Subordinating conjunction 0.66
state Noun 0.65
great Adjective 0.65
world Noun 0.63
thing Noun 0.62

In terms of word types, most of the 5-letter words are nouns, around 59.25% of them (including proper nouns). They are followed by verbs (20.37%), and adjectives (16.44%). Together, these 4-word types account for more than 96% of all 5-letter words.

However, when it comes to the frequency of use of these words, the situation is much different. Nouns are still the most common 5-letter words in terms of frequency, but their share drops down to 43.21%. Verbs account for 17.09% of all 5-letter words used in everyday language, followed by adjectives with 14.43%.

Pronouns, even though they account for only 0.25% of all 5-letter words, have a frequency of use bigger than 8.37% among all 5-letter words.

Word type Frequency Share of total words
Pronoun 8.37% 0.25%
Adjective 14.43% 16.44%
Adposition 4.80% 0.34%
Auxiliary verb 3.32% 0.30%
Determiner 1.76% 0.10%
Verb 17.09% 20.37%
Subordinating conjunction 2.92% 0.20%
Noun 38.63% 48.47%
Numeral 0.93% 0.30%
Adverb 3.14% 1.92%
Proper noun 4.59% 10.78%
Interjection 0.02% 0.20%
Other 0.01% 0.34%

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