• Resolved kyz11


    I am using Sensei and Woocommerce.

    My woocommerce product is linked to my Sensei LMS courses. Whenever a product is linked like that users can’t purchase the Sensei course/woocommerce product without signing up for my website.

    They are hit with a “You must be logged in to checkout.” on the check out page and I don’t like that. How do I turn it off???

    Before I created a support ticket,

    I have enabled guest checkout on woocommerce
    Enabled anyone can sign up on my WordPress settings
    Turned off users mus be logged in on Sensei…

    Nothing works… as long as the woocommerce product is linked to Sensei, new users can’t purchase the product without signing up on the website and I don’t want that.

    I’d like to turn off the “You must be logged in to checkout” when I link a course to a woocommerce product.

    If I unlink the product or uninstall Sensei LMS, everything works well.

    P.s. I won’t like to disable woocommerce because i have spent months designing my landing and sales pages for conversion and sales with page builders. Doing it all over again for sensei doesn’t sound like fun.

    And would like to use Sensei to host courses on my site. I need a solution that would allow me to keep both.

    What is the best solution for this please???

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  • Plugin Support mobilefox


    It is not possible for your site visitors to purchase a course without a user account. This means that WooCommerce’s Allow customers to place orders without an account setting has no effect if the user is checking out with courses in their cart.

    In WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy tab, in the Account creation section, please ensure that at least one of the following is enabled:

    Allow customers to create an account during checkout
    Allow customers to create an account on the “My account” page
    Thread Starter kyz11


    Both settings are turned on as you can see in the images below.

    Plugin Support crmilli


    Having those enabled should then allow the purchaser to create an account so they can then complete the purchase. As mentioned above, it is not possible for your site visitors to purchase a course without a user account. So they will need to sign in or create an account.

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