Back to Support Content and Media Blocks Cover Block

Cover Block

The Cover block displays an image or video that you can add text and other content on top of — great for headers and other banner-style displays. This guide will show you how to use the Cover block to give any page or post a sleek, professional look.

Video Tutorial

Add the Cover Block

To add the Cover block, click on the + Block Inserter icon and search for “cover”. Click it to add the block to the post or page.


Using your keyboard, you can also type /cover on a new line and press enter to quickly add a new Cover block.

the text "/cover" with a pop-over that includes the cover block icon.
Use the slash command /cover to insert a Cover block

For more information, visit our detailed instructions on adding blocks.

Add an Image or Video

After adding the block, you will have the following options to set an image or video:

The Cover block placeholder with options to upload, select media, use featured image, or choose a color.

The Cover block is decorative rather than functional, so it will not play any sound from a video file. Instead, use the Video block for videos to play with sound.

Tips for Choosing an Image

Add Text and Other Content

Now that you’ve selected your image, video, or solid color, you can write text and add other content over it. Click the + block inserter to add other blocks to show on top of the Cover block, such as a Paragraph block, Buttons block, and Heading block.

Cover Block Toolbar

When you click on the Cover block, a toolbar of options will appear above it:

The Cover block toolbar

These options are:


Like many other blocks, you can align the Cover block to the left, right, and center of the page. When using the left or right alignment, you can align other content next to the Cover block.

The Cover block also has Wide and Full-width alignment options that are useful for creating banner-style headers and widescreen effects. These two options are available if your theme supports this kind of alignment. 

Wide width image above a full-width one, showing that Full extends further out.
Wide will break the bounding column, while full will reach the sides of the page width.

Content Position

Use the Content Position option to adjust where the text and other content appears on the image:

Clicking the Content Position button in the toolbar gives you options to set where any content added to the Cover block aligns.
Moving the content inside the block using Content Position

Full Height Alignment

To set the image to always show the full height, you can set the “Toggle Full Height” option in the block’s toolbar.

Gif showing how to set the Cover Block to full Height

Replace Image

This option in the Cover block toolbar will appear after you’ve added an initial image or video. Choosing Replace will allow you to select a new media file.

Slow down or speed up the video using the controls in the lower right corner after clicking Play

Cover Block Settings

When you select a block, you will find additional block settings in the right sidebar. If you do not see the sidebar, you may need to click the Settings icon in the top-right corner to bring up the settings. This icon looks like a square with two uneven columns:

The settings icon in the Editor with a tooltip "Settings" below it.
Click the Settings icon to open the block settings

Layout Settings

The Layout section for the Cover block is the first area that appears in the Settings sidebar. You can use this section to control the width of your content in the Cover block.

When the option Inner blocks use content width is toggled ON, blocks added within the Cover block will display within the specified width.

There is no option for Full because blocks set to full-width will span the entire width of the screen.

Media Settings

The Media section (also labeled Settings) for the Cover block appears next in the sidebar, under the Layout section. There are several options for customizing the appearance and behavior of content in the Cover block, which are detailed in the following sections.

Fixed Background (aka Parallax Effect)

To enable a parallax scrolling/sliding effect on an image element, take the following steps:

  1. Insert an image with the Cover block as described above.
  2. In the Cover block settings, toggle on the “Fixed background” option.
    • When the Fixed background setting is toggled ON, the image will remain still in the background while the foreground scrolls vertically. This behavior is called a parallax effect or parallax scrolling.
    • When the Fixed background setting is toggled OFF, the parallax effect is disabled, and the image scrolls with the rest of the page.

Note that this feature may be disabled on some mobile devices to improve the page’s performance.

The fixed image means that as you scroll, the frame for the image moves.
An example of a cover image set to Fixed background. This allows the Cover block to display a parallax effect.

Repeated Background

The Repeated background option lets you repeat the same image to form a pattern in the Cover block. For example, if you have a small image of a balloon and you want it to repeat multiple times in the Cover block, you can toggle this option on. Here’s what that would look like:

The repeated background toggle is under the Media settings option in the sidebar for the Cover block.
One image repeated many times thanks to the Repeated background option.

Focal Point Picker

You will see the Focal point picker if the Fixed background option is turned off. Use the Focal point picker to specify the main point of interest in the photo and highlight it. This is especially helpful if the wrong part of an image is being shown on smaller screens.

Click on the picker to drag it to the desired spot, or use the Left and Top position percentages below to set it manually.

Alternative Text

In the text field, you can write an Alternative Text description, which is important for accessibility and SEO.

Clear Media

Click Clear to remove the image or video in order to use a solid colored background instead.


For more, visit our detailed instructions on Advanced settings.

Cover Block Styles

In the block settings sidebar, click on the Styles icon to access the design settings for the block. The Styles icon is in the shape of a circle with half of the circle filled in:

An arrow points to the Styles icon that you can click to open up the block styles section.

The Cover block styles include the following:

Overlay Opacity

By default, the cover adds a gray transparent overlay to darken the background image, but you can choose any color you like, or even a gradient if you prefer.

You can also set the opacity of the overlay color. Move the slider to the left to make the overlay color more transparent, or to the right to make it darker and more opaque. Set the opacity to zero for no overlay.

GIF showing adjusting the overlay opacity.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio is the relative size of the width and height of an image. For example, an aspect ratio of 1:2 would mean the image’s width is half the size of the image’s height.

You can choose from the following common image dimensions:

Minimum Height of Cover

You can set the minimum height of the cover image in pixels or other units. By setting a minimum height, the image will always be displayed at this height no matter what size screen your visitors may be using. 

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