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Troubleshooting Google Workspace

If you are having trouble with your Google Workspace account, including logging in or sending/receiving email this guide will provide common troubleshooting steps.

Reset Google Workspace Password

If you are unable to log into your Google Workspace account because your password is no longer working you can follow these steps to reset your password:

  1. Visit
  2. If you set up an alternative email, you can request a verification code to the recovery email address
  3. If not, you will be prompted to add a CNAME to your domain

Contact us from your account if you are not able to use these recovery options.

Suspended Account

When you first create your Google Workspace account it is suspended until you accept Google’s Terms of Service agreements. To activate your new account follow these steps:

  1. Log into your newly created Google Workspace account using the credentials you received when you purchased your subscription through
  2. You will be prompted to accept Google’s Terms of Service.

If you did not receive the email from for your new Google Workspace account, verify the following

Contact us from your account if you are not able to activate your account.

Not Sending or Receiving Email

If you’re unable to send or receive email through your Google Workspace account there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue.

Check your Email DNS Records

Verify that you have the correct email DNS records for your Google Workspace account. If, for any reason, you need to reset your email DNS records back to their default settings, follow these steps:

  1. In your dashboard, go to UpgradesDomains.
  2. Click the domain name the email is associated with.
  3. Click DNS records and then click the Manage button.
  4. To the right of the + Add a record button, click the three dots, and choose Restore DNS Records for Email:
The DNS Records screen with an arrow pointing to the elipsis menu that has the option to restore DNS records for email.

If you don’t see the “Restore DNS Records for Email” option:

  • Your email records are set up correctly
  • Your DNS is not managed through

Contact us if you are not able to use your email.

Check your Spam Folder

Sometimes Gmail and Google Workspace can misclassify new email as Spam. If you check your spam folder and see your message in there, select the message, then click on the “Not Spam” button to teach Gmail not to put similar messages in your spam folder.

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Do you have Email Tabs enabled?

Email tabs split up your inbox into different sections, and this causes emails to bypass the usual inbox and land in another tab, such as Social, or Updates. So you may be receiving the email but not realize it.

You can read more about email tabs in Gmail here.

There are two solutions if this is happening.

Option 1: Drag an email from the other inbox to your main inbox. A notification will appear allowing you to set all emails from that address to automatically go to the Inbox. See the Moving Messages between tabs section here.

Option 2: Disable the email tabs under Settings > Inbox. Deselecting the Inbox Categories will mean all your email should display in your main Primary Inbox.

Do you Have Custom Filters?

Filters in Gmail and Google Workspace allow you to set rules that filter messages, often bypassing the inbox. Any number of these can affect your emails and have them skip your Inbox.

In order to find them, do a global search in your Gmail/Google Workspace account for or confirm email (or, anything that might be in the email you want to find).

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This often shows emails you didn’t know you had received. You can also click the down arrow next to the blue search button and fill in all the criteria you can think of to find the emails. If you’re not certain about any field, leave it blank as it will only find exact matches.

Are you testing from the same Gmail account you’re sending to?

If you are testing to see if your email works, do not test from the same Gmail account that you’re forwarding to, as Gmail recognizes duplicates and will not send the test, making it appear as if it is failing. Test from a completely different email address.

Are you using dots/periods in your email address?

Gmail allows you to enter dots/periods in your email address. So is the same as However for Email Forwarding this will not work, so please use your email address without the dots/periods.

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