Intro to Membership Websites
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Intro to Membership Websites

Welcome aboard this exciting journey into the dynamic world of membership websites. There are many ways to create members-only content and even charge for memberships and together, we’ll demystify the subject and break it down into manageable pieces.

What is a membership website?

Imagine having your own digital sanctuary on the web — a special corner where like-minded individuals gather to share ideas, learn, and enjoy exclusive content created just for them. That’s what a membership website is all about! It’s your very own online oasis, curated and controlled by you.

A membership website is a site that restricts access to some or all of its content to subscribed members only. It provides a platform for businesses, organizations, or individuals to share exclusive content, services, or products with a targeted audience. Think of it as a VIP club, where people get special access to valuable resources.

Whether you’re an educator with valuable courses, a business aiming to offer special deals, a thought leader discussing unique insights, or a hobbyist looking to connect with others who share your passion, a membership website is the golden key to unlock a treasure trove of opportunities. 

Image of the login screen for Pexels, to demonstrate an example of a membership site that requires logging in to access member only content or features.

Benefits of creating a membership site

In today’s digital landscape, the power of membership sites is unparalleled. They not only offer a unique way to engage with your audience but also provide a host of strategic advantages. As we delve into the realm of membership sites, we’ll explore how they can become the cornerstone of your online presence. From generating a steady income stream to fostering a sense of community, they can open doors to a new level of interaction and profitability. Below are some of the key reasons why membership sites are a game-changer for businesses and creators in any niche:

  • Steady Income: Membership websites often charge a recurring fee, providing a steady, predictable revenue stream.
  • Content Control: A membership site allows you to control who can access your content. You can keep some content exclusive to members only, offering a sense of exclusivity.
  • Customer Loyalty: By offering valuable, exclusive content or services, you can improve customer retention and loyalty. 
  • Community Building: Membership websites offer an opportunity to build a community around a specific interest or field, fostering interaction among members.
  • Valuable User Data: Through the use of various signup strategies or built-in surveys, you can collect data about your members interests and behaviors, which can guide your content strategy, product development, or marketing efforts.
  • Targeted Marketing: With knowledge about your members, you can develop targeted marketing campaigns to promote new products, services, or content.
  • Lower Cost: Compared to physical goods, digital products or services often have lower overhead and delivery costs. This aspect makes membership websites a potentially profitable venture.
  • Scalability: A membership site can serve ten members or ten thousand, making it a highly scalable solution.

Additional reading: Benefits of Creating a Membership Site With

Screenshot of the blog post heading for our article on: Benefits of Creating a Membership Site With

Different types of membership websites

Before diving into the creation of a membership site, take some time to think about the membership features you’ll need:

  • Will members pay to join your site, or will it be free?
  • What kind of membership access will you offer (such as a content paywall, message board, online classes, and files to download)?
  • Do you plan to offer perks based on different membership levels?
  • Will you sell other items or run a store aside from membership access?

Membership websites can cater to a wide array of interests and sectors. For example, you may need a place where only local sports club members can view club related information. Or you might be looking for a way to monetize your expertise by setting up a paid, members-only course or coaching program. If your goal is to provide exclusive access of any kind through your site, a membership site is the way to go. 

Click here for a list of common types of membership sites:

Educational Membership Sites: These provide courses, tutorials, webinars, and other educational resources. The material might cover a wide range of topics or focus on a specific niche.

Professional/Industry Associations: Membership sites for professional associations provide industry-specific resources, news, networking opportunities, and may also offer certification or continuing education resources.

Community and Networking Sites: These sites are created with the aim of building a community of people who share common interests or pursuits. They provide a platform for networking, sharing ideas, and mutual assistance.

Coaching and Consultancy Sites: For consultants or coaches, membership sites can provide a platform for offering personalized advice, one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching, resources, and tools.

Content Publishing Sites: These could be news sites, blogs, magazines, and more that offer exclusive articles or resources to their members. This type of site is common in the journalism and media industry.

Commerce Subscriptions: Some retail businesses offer subscription-based access to regular product deliveries, exclusive deals, or premium services.

Software as a Service (SaaS) Sites: These sites offer access to software tools or apps in exchange for a monthly or annual fee.

Non-Profit Organizations: Nonprofits can use membership sites to communicate with their members, collect donations, and provide exclusive content or benefits.

Fitness and Wellness Sites: These can provide workout plans, diet charts, wellness tips, and more, often with tiered levels of access depending on the member’s subscription level.

Clubs and Societies: Book clubs, gardening clubs, local history societies, and more, can use membership sites to manage their members, collect fees, and share exclusive content or perks.

Subscription Box Services: Similar to commerce subscriptions, these sites deliver a box of products to subscribers regularly, often on a monthly basis. The products can range from books to beauty products to gourmet foods.

Fan Clubs: Membership sites for fan clubs offer exclusive content about a specific artist, team, or celebrity, including early access to tickets, behind-the-scenes content, merchandise, and more.

Remember, these examples are just the tip of the iceberg. The possibilities for membership sites are vast, and they can be tailored to suit any audience or purpose. You can also mix and match to combine multiple types of memberships and the content you include. The sky’s the limit!

Membership website setups

There are various approaches to setting up a membership site, depending on your needs. In this course we’re going to explore some options for:

  1. Site or Page Protection: If you have a small number of pages or posts you wish to make exclusive to certain people only, you can start with a simple approach by creating a private site, or by password-protecting pages or posts and sharing the password with a limited group.
  1. Paid Subscriptions: If you have content that you wish to make exclusive to paying members only, you can place your content behind a paywall so only people who pay for the membership can view the content. You can charge a one-time payment or monthly or yearly membership fees.
  1. Advanced Memberships: Creating a more advanced membership site that places entire pages, categories, or sections of your site behind a login can be done through the use of membership plugins. There are many third-party plugins out there that you can use to create a membership website with more features. In our lesson on Membership Plugins we’ll cover some best practices of working with plugins and dive into the specifics of a couple.
  1. Members-only Newsletter: When writing a blog post on, you can set your post to be available to everyone, to subscribers only, or to paying subscribers only. This can encourage people to subscribe to your site and enable you to (optionally) earn an income from your audience. There are a number of options when it comes to working with newsletters, so we’ve dedicated an entire course to it with Newsletters 101.

With, you have the flexibility to create the type of membership site that suits your needs and budget. It’s all about finding the right balance and implementing the features that align with your goals.

Alright, my friend, we’ve covered the basics of membership sites. I know it may seem like a lot to absorb, but don’t worry! Take your time, review the concepts, and soon you’ll be well on your way to creating your very own thriving membership website. Stay excited and keep that vision alive!

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