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34 CFR § 106.41 – Athletics: Federal Regulations of the Office of the Department of Education

36 U.S. Code § 220501, the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.

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Hilton, Emma and Lundberg, Tommy, “Transgender Women in The Female Category of Sport: Perspectives on testosterone suppression and performance advantage.” Sports Medicine. 2021;51: (PMID 33289906 and doi: 10.1007/s40279-020-01389-3).

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Jacoby, Kenny; Berkowitz, Steve; and Doug Caruso, USA Today, “Title IX: Falling Short at 50, Inside the numbers: Searchable data offers glimpse into how colleges short-change women’s sports” March, 2022.

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Lopiano, Donna and Mariah Burton Nelson, “A Fair and Inclusive Solution for Transgender Women in Sports,”, July 2022.

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Post Wire Report, “Cycling bosses reviewing rules for transgender athletes after Austin Killips wins women’s race,” New York Post, May 4, 2023.

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Senefeld, J.W., Hunter, S.K., Coleman, D.L. and Joyner, M.J.“Transgender Swimmer in College, January 1, 2022.  Note:  This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

“The Role of Testosterone in Athletic Performance.”  Experts statement by 41 of the world’s leading international authorities in the field, January, 2019.

Shaw, A.L. et al., “The perspective of current and retired world class, elite and national athletes on the inclusion and eligibility of transgender athletes in elite sport,” Journal of Sports Sciences, Vol. 42, 2024, Issue 5.

Shin, Annys, “6 Key Takeaways from the Post-KFF Survey of Transgender Americans,” Washington Post, March 23, 2023. More than half (62 percent) of trans adults identify as “trans, gender non-conforming” or “trans, nonbinary,” while only 33 percent identify as a “trans man” or “trans woman.” Just 31 percent have used hormone treatments, HRT, or puberty-blocking hormones, and only 16 percent have undergone “gender-affirming” surgery or another surgical treatment to change their physical appearance.

Tambalis KD, Panagiotakos DB, Psarra G, et al. , “Physical fitness normative values for 6–18-year-old Greek boys and girls, using the empirical distribution and the lambda, mu, and sigma statistical method,” Eur J Sport Sci. 2016;16(6):736–46, cited in Hilton EN, Lundberg TR. Transgender Women in The Female Category of Sport: Perspectives on testosterone suppression and performance advantage. Sports Medicine. 2021;51: (PMID 33289906 and doi: 10.1007/s40279-020-01389-3).

Title IX Compliance Framework. 44 Fed. Reg. 71418 (1979).

Tucker, Ross, “Put before the world what you wish them to see, and they’ll never know any different,” The Female Category, March 28, 2024.

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Women’s Sports Policy Working Group, “Model Policy: Eligibility for the Female Category in Competitive Sport: Free Template for Sports Organizations,” February 12, 2024.

Women’s Sports Policy Working Group, “Our Position: Female Sports for Female Athletes,” July 30, 2023.

Women’s Sports Policy Working Group, “Pre-Puberty Male and Female Children Show Marked Differences in Sport Performance,” January 1, 2024.

Women’s Sports Policy Working Group, “Sport-by-Sport Listing of US & International Policies Governing Who Gets to Compete in the Female Category, with Grades: Gold, Silver, Substantially Flawed, Unfair, and Unclear,” 2024.

Women’s Sports Policy Working Group and Champion Women, “Access to Female Athletes’ Locker Rooms Should Be Restricted to Female Athletes,” January 2023.

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Women’s Sports Policy Working Group and Champion Women: Sport Regulators Must Restrict Female Sports Competition to Female Athletes and Provide Equitable, Inclusive Accommodations for Transgender Athletes Within the Women’s Sports Umbrella, October 18, 2022.

Women’s Sports Policy Working Group and Champion Women Submit Comments to Biden Admin: Girls’ and Women’s Sports are for Females. Period.

World Aquatics’ (formerly FINA) policy on transgender athletes.

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