
Important contributions to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have been made by a diversity of people yet inequity persists.

Ingenium recognizes that addressing the underrepresentation of women, non-binary individuals and other diverse people in STEM is a complex issue requiring multiple long-term and sustainable strategies.

With this initiative we aim to make equity-deserving groups in STEM more visible, to promote careers for equity-deserving groups in STEM, to highlight issues of inequality and to celebrate achievements and advocates. We also aim to shed light on persistent, often implicit, biases in order to improve participation, inclusion, leadership and recognition in STEM for women, non-binary individuals and other diverse people.

About Diversity in STEM

The Diversity in STEM initiative by Ingenium is driven to engage, advance and retain the interest of young women, non-binary individuals and other diverse people in the STEM fields. These people have always made important contributions to STEM fields throughout history, yet inequity persists, especially at the highest levels of academia and industry. Our mission is to contribute to international efforts to achieve equity in STEM by celebrating achievements and advocates, and shedding light on persistent, often implicit, biases. There are multiple structural and cultural barriers that contribute to this, the causes complex. We recognize this and have developed multiple long-term and sustainable strategies to engage young women, non-binary individuals and other diverse people in STEM.

The initiative’s goal is to address under-representation in STEM and to contribute to efforts to achieve equity in these fields. It includes a traveling exhibition that shared in-depth stories such as the ones featured in our posters, resources, as well as programming and events.

This initiative is supported by an Advisory Council composed of individuals from across Canada and abroad who offer advice and insight on the components of the initiative and provide suggestions on possible partners and linkages with outside organizations and individuals.

This is a collaborative effort between the three Ingenium museums: Canada Agriculture and Food, Canada Aviation and Space, and Canada Science and Technology and our partners to support the engagement, advancement and furtherance of diversity in STEM.

#FemInSTEM #DiversityInSTEM #QueersInSTEM #GenderDiversityInSTEM #BIPOCinSTEM  #DisabilityInSTEM #NeurodiversityInSTEM #IndigiSTEM

Contact: Outreach-rayonnement@IngeniumCanada.org