Project Guidelines to Benefit Wildlife

Guidelines for minimizing impacts of specific land use practices on wildlife and wildlife habitats.

Desert bighorn sheep in southwestern New Mexico - The Habitat Handbook helps developers minimize impacts on wildlife

Desert bighorn sheep in southwestern NM.

The New Mexico Game and Fish Habitat Handbook is provided in an effort to encourage incorporation of conservation practices in the earliest possible stages of project development. It contains conservation measures, with respect to specific land use practices, targeted toward minimizing impacts of projects on wildlife and wildlife habitats.

Entities requesting biological reviews of projects are requested to submit information on the project via the New Mexico Environmental Review Tool (NMERT).
For questions about the NMERT, please contact Ginny Seamster, Assistant Chief for Technical Guidance, at

  • Project proponent contact information
  • Location (be as specific as possible– county, address, legal location etc.) and maps
  • Project description including timing of project implementation
  • Site description, including information such as topography, vegetation types and drainages. Photographs of the project site are helpful.
  • Any analysis of project effects that has been completed, or reference to effects of similar previous projects
  • Proposed mitigation activities
  • Environmental documentation (EA, EIS), if applicable
  • Project comments are normally completed and comments returned within 30 days of receipt.

Contact List

See also: NMDGF Directory.

New Mexico Game and Fish Offices

Santa Fe Main Office
#1 Wildlife Way
P.O. Box 25112
Santa Fe, NM 87507
(505) 476-8000

NW – Albuquerque Office
7816 Alamo Rd. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
(505) 222-4700

SW – Las Cruces Office
2715 Northrise Drive
Las Cruces, NM 88011
(575) 532-2100

NE – Raton Office
215 York Canyon Rd.
P.O. Box 1145
Raton, NM 87740
(575) 445-2311

SE – Roswell Office
1912 W. Second St.
Roswell, NM 88201
(575) 624-6135