Located at the confluence of three rivers, Fort Wayne, Indiana is a vibrant city, lovingly referred to by locals as a “big small town,” that offers all of the amenities of a big city in a compact area that is surrounded by public parks and greenery. In 2023, Visit Fort Wayne unveiled a 10-year Tourism Master Plan Initiative that commits to incorporating the principles of universal design.

Visitors to Fort Wayne will notice major accessibility improvements already in place or underway, starting with Fort Wayne International Airport, where the $140 million Project Gateway has seen the installation of the first adult changing table at an Indiana airport, a dedicated sensory room, and improved way finding features throughout the terminal. Local attractions and business have made their commitment to inclusion clear, and I was delighted to share my “Equal Access Everywhere” message with nearly 300 tourism professionals and business leaders during a keynote address in May 2024.

After visiting the city, wheeling around in my wheelchair, and touring its local shops, restaurants, parks and attractions, I was confident in calling the City of Fort Wayne my “Hidden Gem in Accessible Travel” for 2024. Using this guide to wheelchair accessible travel in Fort Wayne, Indiana, you will be prepared to explore and experience this city in the same way that I have.

Guide Contents

Wheelchair assistance at Fort Wayne Airport.

Airport Accessibility

Fort Wayne International Airport is in the midst of a transformation that promises to deliver an accessible airport for the future.

Wheelchair accessible attractions in Fort Wayne.

Attractions & Sights

Wheelchair users can visit one of America’s favorite zoos, enjoy the downtown art scene, and relax in one of there nation’s most accessible public parks.

Wheelchair accessible hotels in Fort Wayne.

Hotels & Accommodations

Select a place to stay from this list of wheelchair accessible hotels in Fort Wayne.

Wheelchair accessible city bus in Fort Wayne.

Public Transportation

Fort Wayne’s CitiLink city bus service is accessible to wheelchair users.

Wheelchair taxis in Fort Wayne

Wheelchair Taxis

There are currently no licensed wheelchair taxis in Fort Wayne, however alternate accessible transportation services are available.

Wheelchair accessible sidewalk in Fort Wayne.

Sidewalk Accessibility

The downtown core of Fort Wayne has seen an increase in resurfaced sidewalks, making it fairly easy to navigate with a wheelchair.

Additional reading

The following articles from the Wheelchair Travel Blog and Newsletter provide additional insight into the City of Fort Wayne, covering topics relating to accessible tourism in one of America’s most hospitable cities.