The Asian continent is a place of intrigue for the majority of westerners. Its history, culture and people make it far more “exotic” than Aruba or Tahiti.

Accessibility is rapidly improving in Asia, even in radically poor countries like Cambodia and Thailand. Travelers with disabilities often write off the marvelous cities in Asia as inaccessible. This is not true. Disabled travelers to Asia will face more challenges than they might in the United States, but none that are too significant to be overcome. Several of the cities listed below — Hong Kong, Seoul and Shanghai — all have greater access to public transportation than New York City!

Use these destination guides to plan and prepare for a wheelchair accessible vacation in Asia. Each guide is filled with information gained from my personal experience traveling through Asia with a wheelchair. Sit atop the Great Wall of China. Enjoy the street food in Seoul. Ride a cable car in Hong Kong. You can do it all… even in a wheelchair. Let me show you how to #OpenYourWorld.

Bangkok Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide

Bangkok, Thailand

Although the Thai capital is one of the least accessible major cities in Asia, it can still be enjoyed through determination.

Beijing Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide

Beijing, China

Sitting atop the Great Wall of China, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a wheelchair accessible experience you’ll never forget.

Hong Kong Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide

Hong Kong, China

Asia’s most wheelchair-friendly city boasts a symphonic light show that illuminates the skyline of skyscrapers.

Kuala Lumpur Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This former British territory is one of the most free and diverse Muslim nations in the world.

Phnom Penh Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Home of the world’s first wheelchair accessible tuk-tuk, Cambodia’s capital has the highest rate of amputees per capita.

Seoul Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide

Seoul, South Korea

If you enjoy street food, you won’t find a city that does it better.

Singapore Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide


This travel guide is in development and will be published later this year.

Shanghai Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide

Shanghai, China

The most accessible city in Mainland China, Shanghai has an impressive downtown and the world’s fastest Maglev train.