Mike's Final Words: Francesa Says Farewell To WFAN

No more will Mike Francesa be “back after this,” as he has officially closed the book on his full-time stay on WFAN and RADIO.COM after Friday’s show.

Francesa made the announcement at the end of Thursday’s show that Friday would be his “final regularly-scheduled program on WFAN,” that he agreed to stay until sports returned, but had been planning for some time to step away because the “very strange year” that is 2020 “has made me think about different things and do different things."

And so, Friday’s final hour of Mike’s On was business as usual, including notes on the Mets game in progress, and, of course, lots of thank-you speeches from the final callers. After going off on one last soliloquy about social media and what it takes to be successful in a world where there is more content than ever, and then taking one last caller – Sal from Sayville, who told Mike he has been a loyal listener for 30 years and hopes to see him on the golf course in Florida – it was time for Mike to say his final words:

“To all of you out there who have listened from the beginning…the Sunday morning NFL show was the show that put me on the map. I was first heard on the FAN in July 1987, I did my first show by myself sitting in for Pete Franklin on Thanksgiving Day 1987, and I’ve been doing shows on the FAN regularly ever since. I’ve been here, the FAN has been my home for 33 years, and it will always be my home and a part of my being.

“I thank all of you – hey, it’s about the audience, and without you listening, being there day after day, I would’ve never had the run that I’ve had. I’ve had one of the really enduring runs in the history of radio, which I’m very proud of. For 33 years, to have a show as successful as it was, first with Dog for 19 years and by myself afterwards, I thank you for that.”

And then, in the final 30 seconds, Mike said goodbye.

“You guys have been great. I wish you all very well, and be safe during these crazy times. It’s not goodbye – again, you’ll hear from me again somewhere, sometime – but thank you very much for all these years and all these memories. Without you, it never would have happened. I thank all of you very, very much, and I’ll see you along the way. Enjoy this crazy year as best you can, and until we meet again, be safe. Thank you, goodbye.”

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