We need many types of healthcare professionals.

Physicians (especially Family Practice, ER, and Internists)

Nurse Practitioners




Physical Therapists





Medical Assistants

Pharmacy Techs




Frequently Asked Questions:

What Happens if I Say I Want to Volunteer?

Medical Volunteers:To practice in your specialty, you must have a current California license/certification. If you are a physician, or a nurse practitioner with prescribing rights, please complete WFC’s malpractice insurance application as well. Once all of your paperwork is complete, received and approved, the Clinic Manager will notify you and add you to a monthly availability email where you will be able to indicate when you want to volunteer (Tuesday or Wednesday nights). You will sign up this way monthly. If your schedule changes after signing up, please let us know as soon as possible since it affects how many patients we can accept each week.

What are the benefits of volunteering?

You get to mentor/train high school and college students and spend as much time as you need with your patients. There is no paperwork since all services are free and you will have a scribe managing the electronic health record system with your review and approval. Patients are very appreciative. You get to do the fun parts of healthcare.

Can I fulfill Community Service Hours at WFC?

Court-Mandated Hours: At this time we have limited capacity for those seeking court-mandated community service hours.  Please email our Volunteer Coordinator at to learn if we are able to accommodate.

School/Employee Hours: If you are seeking community service hours for school, an organization or place of employment, you will be responsible for any and all tracking documentation, including documenting your volunteer hours on your own time sheet if required. You may request that the volunteer supervisor initial your time sheet at the end of your volunteer commitment for each day.  If you require other documentation of your volunteer hours including a letter written on official Westminster Free Clinic letterhead, please still keep track of your hours and notify the Volunteer Coordinator of this request.

Can I be a scribe at WFC? 

WFC has a comprehensive scribe training program that takes approximately 2-3 months to complete. If you can commit to volunteering at WFC for at least 1 year, you can complete the scribe training program and scribe for our volunteer healthcare practitioners. You must be a college student preferably pursuing a degree in healthcare or college graduate and pass an online medical terminology exam (we will provide the link) before you start our scribe training program.

Do I need to be COVID-19 vaccinated to volunteer?

YES, we require all our volunteers to show proof of vaccination to volunteer during any of WFC’s activities.


Please complete the online application and attach or email a copy of your resume and professional license. This information will be kept in a secure, confidential file. Thank you.


    Westminster Community Care Center proudly serves Ventura County.