Alliance membership information

Join our Alliance to commit to collaborating with other members to tackle online-facilitated child sexual exploitation and abuse

If your organisation would like to join WeProtect Global Alliance as a member, please review the criteria below and complete the application form.

Benefits of WeProtect Global Alliance membership

There are no financial or legal commitments attached to joining the Alliance, but should you join you will benefit from:

  • Membership of the Alliance community and access to a diverse network of experts and key influencers across government, law enforcement, industry and civil society
  • An opportunity to inform and direct the global strategy to tackle online child sexual exploitation
  • The opportunity to affirm a high-profile commitment to ending online child sexual abuse and exploitation, including through the use of the WeProtect Global Alliance brand
  • Attendance at Alliance Summits and other high-profile events, providing an opportunity to hear and learn from keynote speakers and global experts
  • The sharing of information, experiences and best practise of tackling CSEA online via an Alliance member online portal (currently under development)
  • Access to expert insight, analysis and advice
  • Ability to bid for funding from the Fund to End Violence Against Children to fund capacity building projects aimed at tackling CSEA online

Membership criteria

Members of the Alliance must be one of the following:

  • A member state of the United Nations
  • An international organisation i.e. an organisation established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own legal personality
  • A regional organisation i.e. an international organisation with a specific geographic focus
  • A civil society organisation with a child protection focus and registered as such with appropriate local authorities
  • A technology company that manufactures hardware, creates software, facilitates the use of specialised technology (e.g. social media or internet security tools), use of a platform business model or provides telecommunications services, such as mobile phone or broadband services
  • A financial institution which could be exploited by offenders for the purpose of commercial child sexual exploitation.
  • Operating at a national and/or international level.

All new members must:

  • Endorse the WeProtect Global Alliance membership commitments and progress their implementation.
  • Not partake in any activity which could negatively impact upon the reputation of the WeProtect Global Alliance or adversely affect the ability of the Alliance to conduct its activities.

Member commitments

WeProtect Global Alliance members will:

  • Appoint a senior and working level point of contact, within first month of joining  
  • Once a year, members must update point of contact information.  
  • Make a public statement to announce membership of the Alliance within first year of joining. 
  • Participate in Alliance events, including Global Summits.
  • Register for the Protectors’ Portal within first month of joining. Members are expected to actively engage in the Protectors’ Portal to share good practice, knowledge and learnings with other members.
  • Use their resources, networks and influence to drive forward the collective global response to child sexual exploitation and abuse online. 
  • Identify and progress their role in implementing the Model National Response and Global Strategic Response frameworks as part of their strategies and action plans to combat child sexual exploitation and abuse online.
  • Contribute to Global Threat Assessments and other knowledge gathering exercises to share their progress at least once every two years.
  • Provide information to the Alliance on progress and activities on implementing the commitments on a biennial basis.
  • Ensure genuine participation of victims/survivors and children during the development of policy, programme, tools and/or legislation.
  • Sign and ratify the Council of Europe Lanzarote Convention [for government members] or implement similar legislation.