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  • To login to UTSC Webmail use your UTSCid account credentials (your account name is usually your email address without the @utsc part). You should see some indication that this page is secure (eg a closed lock in the corner). If that indication is absent, do not use this interface to access your email.
  • Your browser must have cookies enabled, and some functionality may require javascript.
  • Defaults are set to delete messages immediately and not keep copies of sent mail.
  • You must click on your INBOX to see new email. Webmail does not rescan at intervals (see next point).
  • There is a 15 minute activity timer, after which you will have to re-authenticate. If you take longer than 15 minutes to compose a message, it will be lost when you are forced to login again. If this becomes a problem go to Options/Folder Preferences and set "Auto Refresh Folder List" to 10 minutes (no shorter please).
  • The current version is known to not see attachments in some message formats. The development team is looking at it.
  • Attachments are limited to 5Mb, total message size is limited to 10Mb
  • Do not login to different accounts at the same time from the same browser!. If you do, your webmail profile will be corrupted. (This should now be prevented)
  • Please remember to 'Sign Out'.
  • Comments to

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