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Health Physics News Digest

December 2023

Highlights of the online Health Physics Society (HPS) December 2023 Health Physics News

  • HPS Meetings
    • 70th HPS Annual Meeting Location Selected
    • 68th HPS Annual Meeting Sessions Available
    • Upcoming HPS Meetings
  • Society News
    • Sara Dumit Nominated for IRPA 16 Young Professional Award

    • Call for Board Member and Officer Nominations for 2024 Election
    • Update Chapter and Section Officer Information on HPS Website
    • Nominate HPS Delegates to IRPA 16 in Orlando, Florida
    • Nominations for 2024 HPS Awards
    • Reviewers Needed for Health Physics and Operational Radiation Safety
    • Vote!
    • Annual Membership Survey
    • 2023 Health Physics Society Salary Survey
  • Committee News
    • Intersociety Relations Committee Seeks Liaison
    • Accredited Standards Committee N13, Radiation Protection
  • Section News — Nonionizing Radiation Section Searching for Student Member for Committee
  • HPS Meetings in Review
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - Sponsors, Advertisers, and Vendors
    • 68th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights - More Meeting Photos 
    • 68th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights – More Photos
    • Highlights of the 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Quiz Bowl
    • Highlights of the 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Section Meetings
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - Meeting Sessions
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting – 2023 HPS Awards
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - HPS Section Awards
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - American Academy of Health Physics Awards
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - 2023 HPS Officers and Board of Directors
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - Publications Booth Book Drawing
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Outgoing HPS Officers and Board Members
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Student Worker Orientation
    • Highlights of the 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Challenging Health Physics Questions
    • Highlights of the 2023 HPS Internal Dosimetry Workshop
    • 2023 HPS Winter Workshop – Mentorship Networking Activity
  • In Memoriam
    • Bryce Rich, L. Max Scott, James A. Martin, Jr.
    • Richard Toohey 
  • Health Physics Journal/ORS NewsHealth Physics Journal Editor's Note: A Fresh Start
  • Did You Know? — The HPS Board of Directors
  • Short Courses — December Short Course Listings
  • Health Physics Job Openings — Current Job Listings on the HPS Website
  • From the Past President — Response to Members Vacating the HPS BOD Censure

To read the full newsletter articles become a member of the Health Physics Society. Go to About the Society and then How to Join on this website.

To have your Section News, Chapter News, Student Branch News, Committee News, Announcements, or other news items related to the HPS or the field of health physics published in Health Physics News, contact Mary Walchuk at