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Membership Dues Schedule for 2024

Type of HPS Membership Option Dues Schedule
Full Members Early Career or upgrade $158.00
Renewal $195.00
Associate Members Early Associate or upgrade $158.00
Renewal $195.00
Fellow Members   $195.00
Student Members First year Free
Renewal $42.00
Emeritus Members   $79.00
Emeritus Fellow Members   $79.00
Life Members   Free
Life Fellow Members   Free
Affiliate   $375.00
Section Membership Dues Schedule  
Accelerator $6.00  
AIRRS $6.00  
Decommissioning $6.00  
Early Career Professionals $6.00  
Environmental/Radon $6.00  
Homeland Security and Emergency Response $6.00  
Instrumentation $6.00  
Medical $6.00  
Military $6.00  
Nonionizing Radiation $6.00  
Power Reactor $6.00  
Women in Radiation Protection $6.00  

NOTE: Dues are calendar year, i.e., January through December. Applications received after 1 October will be processed for the following calendar year.

Dues become payable on the first day of January for the classes of membership shown above. Membership in the Society ceases if the member fails to meet the dues requirements by 1 March (1 June for Affiliates). Reinstatement is possible during the calendar year in which delinquency occurs by payment of dues in arrears plus a reinstatement fee of $5.00 (Bylaws Article III Section 4).